Tutorial on how to get started with Amazon associates affiliate marketing in 2024. Creating an account, choosing a product, creating a storefront, and marketing.
Video Description:
I start by going over some of the main things I will cover and the goal of this video. At the end of my Amazon Affiliate Marketing course, I hope you are able to create your own Amazon Affiliate Marketing website. First things first, you need to be accepted to the Amazon Associates program. In order to be accepted, you either need a large social media account with a following or a blog with at least 10 blog posts. Therefore, you should create a blog and write 10-20 articles and publish them to your blog. The articles can be based around your top keywords based on your SEO keyword research. I use WordPress to create my websites, and for Amazon Associates websites I choose a dedicated hosting plan. It is the best way to improve your performance and ensure that your products will be imported and your website will not have downtime.
Once you are accepted to the Amazon Associates program, you should download WooZone, the WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Marketing plugin. In addition, you should use the Flatsome theme in my opinion, but the Storefront WordPress theme would work as well.
Video TimeStamps:
0:35 – 7 video notes
3:33 – Beginning of Amazon Affiliate Marketing Tutorial
3:51 – Getting accepted into the Amazon Associates program
5:36 – Picking an Amazon Affiliate Marketing niche
8:03 – Setting up Web Hosting
13:55 – How to Select a Domain Name
17:07 – How to Install WordPress for your Domain Name
22:47 – Choosing a WordPress theme for your website
23:52 – Purchasing the WooZone plugin and Flatsome theme
27:25 – Installing and setting up the Flatsome theme
32:20 – Installing and setting up WooZone WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Marketing Plugin
41:59 – Setting up Access Key ID and Secret Access Key and Affiliate IDs for WooZone
42:15 – Accessing Amazon Associates Product Advertising API
51:43 – Installing the WooZone Direct Import Extension
57:43 – How to Update and Install WordPress Plugins
1:03:11 – How to Install Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console
1:13:34 – Increasing Memory Allocated to PHP aka WordPress Memory Limit
1:18:01 – Adding Product Categories in WooCommerce
1:22:55 – How to Import Amazon Products to Your Website Using WooZone
1:23:53 – How to Set-Up Amazon Affiliate Products on Your WordPress WooCommerce Store
1:32:35 – How to Use WooCommerce Shortcodes
1:33:42 – How to Create WordPress blog posts
1:37:19 – How to Set-up WordPress Permalinks
1:39:55 – How to Customize Your WordPress Website and Theme
1:47:20 – How to Create WordPress Menus
1:50:44 – How to Set-Up your WooCommerce Store
1:58:16 – How to Set-Up Your WordPress Homepage
2:04:07 – Amazon Associates Tutorial
FAQs on Affiliate Marketing
Q1: What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model where an individual (affiliate) earns a commission for promoting another company’s products or services. Affiliates promote these products through various channels, such as blogs, social media, or websites, and earn a percentage of the sale made through their unique affiliate link.
Q2: How do I get started with affiliate marketing? To get started with affiliate marketing, follow these steps:
- Choose a niche that interests you and has market demand.
- Join affiliate programs or networks that align with your niche (e.g., Amazon Associates, ShareASale, ClickBank).
- Create a platform to promote products, such as a blog, website, or social media account.
- Begin creating valuable content that incorporates your affiliate links naturally.
- Drive traffic to your content using SEO, social media, or paid advertising.
Q3: How much money can I make with affiliate marketing? Earnings in affiliate marketing can vary significantly based on several factors, including the niche you choose, the quality of your content, your audience size, and your marketing strategies. Some affiliates earn a few dollars a month, while others can make thousands of dollars. Success often requires time and consistent effort.
Q4: Do I need a website to become an affiliate marketer? While having a website is beneficial for creating content and promoting products, it is not strictly necessary. You can also use social media, email marketing, or video platforms like YouTube to promote affiliate products. However, having a dedicated website can provide more control over your content and branding.
Q5: Are there any costs associated with affiliate marketing? While affiliate marketing can be started with little to no investment, there are potential costs involved, such as purchasing a domain name, web hosting, and marketing tools (e.g., email marketing services, graphic design software). However, many affiliates start with free resources and gradually invest as they grow.
Q6: Is affiliate marketing ethical? Yes, affiliate marketing is ethical as long as it is practiced transparently. Affiliates should always disclose their affiliate relationships to their audience. This builds trust and ensures compliance with regulations set forth by organizations like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Q7: How do I choose the right affiliate products to promote? When selecting affiliate products, consider the following:
- Relevance to your audience and niche.
- Quality and reputation of the products or services.
- Commission structure (percentage or flat-rate).
- Demand in the market.
Q8: What are common mistakes to avoid in affiliate marketing? Some common mistakes include:
- Choosing the wrong niche.
- Focusing too much on promotions rather than providing valuable content.
- Neglecting audience engagement and building relationships.
- Not tracking performance or optimizing strategies.
Q9: Can I do affiliate marketing without a large audience? Yes, you can start affiliate marketing without a large audience. Focus on a targeted niche and create quality content that draws in specific users. Building authority and trust can lead to conversions over time, even with a smaller audience.
Q10: How long does it take to see results from affiliate marketing? The timeline to see results from affiliate marketing varies. Some affiliates may start seeing commissions within a few weeks, while others might take several months to establish their presence, grow traffic, and make consistent sales. Patience and persistence are key in this business model.
Video Transcript:
what’s up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today’s gonna be my Amazon Associates tutorialso I’m gonna be going over Amazon affiliate marketing and specifically how to create a website like my websitesbeachfront decor calm and farmhouse goals calm where I have a bunch of different products for sale and they’remainly just Amazon products if someone comes into farmhouse Kohl’s calm they scroll down they see a product they likethey click on this learn more button it’s gonna send them directly to Amazon and if they purchase anything eitherthis product or other products on Amazon then I will receive a commission so I’m gonna be showing you how to do that okayseven quick things that I want to go through before I get into the video tutorial number one is check the video description on YouTube for timestamps incase you want to jump to a specific portion of the video I kind of have all the different steps with some of the times that they start happening so youcan learn about something in particular if you’re looking for something specific number two there will be follow-up videos and the main thing will be an SEOtutorial for the website I’m building in this tutorial so the main way that I drive traffic to my websites is withsearch engine optimization so my goal was to essentially build out my website build out my content so I can drivesearch engine traffic which ultimately leads to more Amazon affiliate marketing sales number three this video is goingthrough the process of creating an Amazon affiliate marketing website it’s not exactly to go through the back endof Amazon Associates it’s really going to be more geared towards creating a website that allows you to monetize yourwebsite with Amazon affiliate marketing products number four is your goal as anaffiliate marketer I just want to make sure you know this is to create a website that drives traffic and affiliate link clicks consistently thebest way to do that is to create content drive search engine traffic and to continuously keep driving traffic everysingle day keep creating content every single day because that’s gonna increase your affiliate link clicks whichultimately increases your revenue number five you can also monetize your website with other affiliate programs and alsoGoogle Adsense so some of my websites are in the home decor niche so I work with Wayfarer I have Google Adsense onall my websites so just other ways to earn an income from your websites number six I’m not selling anything inthis video there’s not going to be any course or anything like that this is all completely for it’s really just the process that I’veused to consistently drive about 100 to 300 Amazon sales per day so right now IDrive usually a little bit over 200 sales every single day through Amazon and you can drive that and more byfollowing this process and improving upon it so I’m just really giving you the framework for how to get startedwith your Amazon affiliate marketing website number seven last but not least you do need to be accepted into AmazonAssociates so that means you’re gonna have to have a website with some blog posts and with some content in order to be accepted so what I would recommenddoing if you’re not accepted you don’t have a website that is gonna get you accepted into it you should probablystart to write some blog posts just do a little bit of keyword research you can use the Google Keyword planner look upsome of the top keywords and just get started with some of the main pages that you want to build on your website as youstart building out your website more and more Amazon Associates and even programs like Google Adsense are going to be morelikely to accept you into their program so you can become a publisher and a publisher is someone who puts ads andwho puts affiliate marketing products on their website so this is an important step is making sure that you have yourwebsite built out a little bit so if you’re building your first website for the very first time you are gonna haveto write some blog posts or outsource some blog posts and get them publish to your blog before they are gonna acceptyou so with all that we’re gonna get right into the video now you want to get started in the Amazon Associates pageyou’re gonna see affiliate – program amazon.com you can join it’s completelyfree keep in mind though you do need an existing website or existing social channels in order to be able to startpromoting some of the products on amazon.com so if we come down here to join you can see it’s free and easy tojoin get up and running today just one approval now the one approval is theywant you to have a website with robust original content even when advertising is removed a good rule of thumb is atleast 10 posts so essentially you do need some content on a website and if you scroll down here you’re gonna seewebsites content on your website must be recent generally within the last 60 days and you must own your website so they’relooking for websites that are trying to grow and trying to add some additional products onto their website to increasetheir own revenue so that they can keep growing that website same thing with mobile apps your mobile app must comply with their mobileapplication policy requirements you would want to click through here they have social networks here only currently accept the following social networks andyou must have an account or group that must be established so they want social media channels that have a bunch offollowers so if you just created a brand new website you just create a brand new social media channel then you might havetrouble getting approved to the Amazon affiliate program so what you might want to do is start by creating your firstwebsite and start creating some content so I’m gonna be going through this step-by-step process in this video it’sgonna take some time but you can’t build these websites very quickly so it’s gonna be a long video a long videotutorial but by the end of it you’ll be able to learn how to create a website like beachfront decor calm and these arereally good earning websites they can help you generate a passive income once you start building up more and more blogposts and you add more and more products to your website once you have some level of traffic to your website you can goseveral weeks without working on it and you’ll still receive a passive income of people that are going to your website clicking on your amazon productspurchasing on amazon and you’ll keep getting a commission every single time you send a new sale to Amazon so whereyou want to get started and what I would recommend doing is first starting by picking a niche picking something thatyou know you want to promote so what I like to do is I like to come to this Amazon page and if you open your Amazonaccount you come over here to the left hand side you scroll down you’re gonna see right here full store directory soif you click on full store directory you’re gonna see some of these different options here all these different productcategories for sale you can see clothing shoes jewelry and watches home gardening tools I generally stay in this home andgarden portion I think that’s the best for me personally but you really want to go with something that you’re passionate about something that you enjoy let’sjust say we come over here to sports and outdoors if you’re someone who loves to go camping maybe those are the types of products that you want to try to sellsomeone who likes to go cycling same exact thing keep in mind you’re gonna have to either write blog posts oryou’re gonna have to outsource your content creation so you probably want to pick niches that you have some level ofinterest in I started with beachfront decor calm because I just enjoy the beach and I was trying to create a beachrelated website and I is that creating a beach decor website is probably the best way for me to earnsome level of revenue from a beach inspired website so what I would recommend doing is starting in theAmazon directory here scrolling down and looking at all these different options so you’ll see here pet supplies soultimately what you’re trying to do is let’s just say for example we have headphones here if you create a websiteand you constantly talk about the newest headphones the top 10 headphones for 2020 you could really just create aseries of top 10 list top 20 list for headphones and then you’ll have all your products for sale as well so what you’retrying to do is find a niche that you can write about that you can drive people to your website from organicsearch traffic so people who go to google they’re searching your targeted keywords and then also you can drivepeople to your website from your email list and from social media channels so my favorite social media channel forthese types of websites is Pinterest and with beachfront decor com it’s perfect for Pinterest so my Pinschers followingright now is about 14,000 or 15,000 followers what you want to do is make sure you’re viewing this as a long-termbusiness it’s not some get-rich-quick scheme it’s not like you’re gonna create a website and start driving sales right away there is gonna be some time whereyou have to create content and what I’ll say is the more content you create in the first month the first several monthsthe faster your website’s gonna grow and the faster you could start driving revenue directly back to your Amazonaffiliate marketing account so what I would recommend doing is I would use Bluehost com or your favorite webhosting company I prefer Bluehost this is where I have all my websites hosted and if we come in here to hosting youcan see there’s a few different options shared hosting VPS hosting and dedicated hosting so personally since thesewebsites are so large you end up housing a lot of different images on your website as you’re importing productsfrom amazon.com I recommend going with a dedicated hosting plan it’s gonna costyou the most money so if we come in here to dedicated hosting and we look at choose a plan you’re gonna see standardenhanced in premium so both of my websites are on the premium plan here sofor beachfront decor calm and farmhouse kohls.com I am on a premium plan what I’m gonna do with this new website isI’m gonna open it with the standard plan so if we click here on the standard plan you want to start here by creating youra domain name so once you start picking your niche you want to create a domain name this is a difficult process I’mgonna create some other videos about choosing a niche and selecting a domain names that you can easily go through this entire process but we’re gonnaclose out of this now what I would start with is creating a new damp domain and if we just click here not ready to picka domain choose one later and we scroll down over here what you’re gonna see is the hosting account plan so if you signup for 36 months it’s gonna cost you over $2,800 almost twenty nine hundred dollars for thirty-six months the priceper month will go up slightly as you pick a shorter amount of time for the contract so Jenny what I’ll do is I’llchoose this 12 month plan so for 12 months it’s about twelve hundred dollars so that’s your per year price to hostyour website and this is really your main cost with running a Amazon affiliate marketing website so yes it’svery expensive but compared to any other business idea or a lot of other businesses in terms of upfront costsit’s really not that much to get started with your website now the other thing you can do is if we come back over here to Bluehost and we look at the VPS plansso we come up here to hosting we look at VPS hosting it’s gonna cost you much less so if we scroll down and we look atsome of the plans so standard eighteen ninety-nine a month enhance $29.99 a month and then ultimate is $59.99 amonth so let’s just say we would go with the enhance plan we could click on select and we’ll go through the same process choose a domain name later andthen we scroll down here and we look at our hosting account plan so for the 24 month price $29.99 it’s only gonna costyou seven hundred $19 so that’s for two years now I would recommend going with a shorter term here so maybe if you gowith the six month price it’s three hundred fifty nine dollars maybe if you just go with the twelve month price wellyou might as well just go with the twelve month price because it’s four hundred $19 so this is where you could get started as you’re building yourwebsite and as you start writing more and more blog content and then once you start driving revenue you can alwaysswitch to a dedicated hosting plan so for me personally I’m gonna sign up for the dedicated hosting plan that I showedyou earlier for 12 months for $1,200 so that’s where I’m gonna get started here so if we come in here to Bluehost command we go to hosting and dedicated hosting the plan that gonna be using is this standard plan so I’m gonna go through this process butpicking a niche so what you want to do is you go to Amazon you look at all these different categories you can clickthrough some of these categories maybe break it down a little bit further if you’re even looking at home decor so forexample I have a beach home decor website I have a farmhouse Kohl’s farmhouse home decor website so allthese different ideas that you can use you don’t want to pick a niche that’s too large for example you don’t want togo with the entire sports and outdoors niche that might just end up being too much even here they have things likecamping and hiking you might just want to go with camping you might just want to go with hiking or winter sports youmight just want to go to skiing or snowboarding so it really depends on what your interests are and what type of website you’re trying to create so oneof the things I like to do is open flippa.com so if you have no idea what niche to choose then if you openflippa.com you go to the websites and you come over here to see all websites and then as we scroll down you can go towebsite filters and what you can do is just come here to website types look at content websites so we don’t want tolook at any of these other options here we just want to look at content websites and then in the keyword field just enterAmazon and we’ll click on search so if we come down you can start to get some different ideas here so exercise bikeAuthority net hammocks for camping calm top vinyl cutters calm so you can find alot of different ideas here they’re not all gonna be great ideas but dog products reviews calm mom’s advisor calma laptop website supplement brands sunglasses brands so there’s a lot ofdifferent options here for websites you could purchase your own website here I would recommend just getting startedcreating your own website and what you want to do is you want to choose a niche that you’re gonna have an interest in aniche that you can sell products on Amazon with and really something where you’ll have plenty of opportunity tocreate content around the niche that you select so if we come over here to Amazon we’re looking at golf you can create allsorts of golf training videos golf tips you can create specific pieces of content around new golf clubs you cantalk about the 10 best golf clubs again of 20 20 20 to 21 so you could just keep these articles updated over time so theniche you choose is really gonna help guide the type of content that you create my contents all very product based sowhen it comes to beachfront decor farmhouse Kohl’s calm all of my blog articles are pretty much based aroundhome inspiration and different products for sales so I’ll have a blog article about farmhouse chandeliers and I’ll notonly show inspirational products but I’ll link back to Amazon products so I just try to create these really greatguides of different products for sale that people can easily find as they’re searching google or if they’re goingthrough Pinterest and looking up some of these different product categories as well so where you want to get started ischoosing your niche and choosing your domain name so if I come in here to standard I click on select the firstthing that’s gonna ask me to do is create a new domain so for my niche I’ve already chosen I’ve gone here to Amazonand I figured I’m gonna stay in this home and garden category and I’m just gonna do wicker so anything wicker Bass wicker basketswicker furniture so anything to do with wicker I’m gonna create a website about so I’ve already picked out my domainname as well so if we come over here I’m gonna create a new domain name so one of my favorite tools is if you don’t knowwhere to get started with creating your own domain name is come over here and go to lean domain search calm and justenter a keyword so the keyword that you plan on writing about I’m gonna write about wicker so I’d entered wicker hereand it’s gonna give me a ton of different options for wicker domains so you can click through on all these and see which domain names are available sowhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna come over here and the domain name that I’m gonna be using is wicker guide.comso I’m gonna enter that domain name now okay so you just enter the word here dot-com and I’m gonna click on next nowif it’s not available it will say it’s not available and it’ll tell you to keep searching for a new domain name again Ilike to use lean domain search com you can see wicker guide right here if I scroll down you can see all thesedifferent options for types of domain names that I can create with the keyword wicker in it so you just want to makesure your domain name is descriptive and people will understand exactly what they’re gonna find on your website youcan create domain names that aren’t exactly what your website’s about but personally I like to use thingsbeachfront decor calm farmhouse goals calm so they’re pretty descriptive people will have some level ofunderstanding of what they’re gonna find when they do visit your website so with this I’m gonna create my account forwicker guide.com again I’m gonna be you twelve months of this dedicated websitehosting and it’s gonna be under the standard plan so my total cost to begin with is gonna be twelve hundred dollars so if you scroll down here some of thethings it’s gonna say keep spammers away protect your website data so I am gonna keep spammers away so it’s gonna be alittle bit more expensive I’m not gonna do this protect my site data and I’m not gonna defend against attacksso with protect your site data it’s essentially backing up your website boost your rankings with Bluehost SEOtools I’m not gonna be doing that professional email with Microsoft Office 365 not gonna be doing that and thensite lock is essential is to defend against attacks so there’s other ways to go about you doing some of these thingsyou can get billed for these it’s 399 per month to defend against the text $2.99 per month to protect your sitedata me personally I’m just gonna keep it at keep spammers away for domain privacy and protection so we’re gonnaget started with this and I’m gonna sign up for my account and then we’re gonna continue on with the video okay now myhosting account is set up you can see my main domain name here on this hosting account is wicker guide.com I chose adedicated hosting plan so I’m gonna on a 12 month dedicated plan it is expensivebut if I’m gonna be building this website I want to make sure my website has no downtime I want to make sure Ihave no issues adding products directly to my website from Amazon now what we need to do is install WordPress on ourwebsite so using Bluehost it’s really easy to install WordPress most hosting providers have 1-click installs so youdon’t really need to do a manual install WordPress so if we come down here to website when you sign in sometimes youmight go to cPanel you can just click on hosting and home so if you want to see the larger version of your cPanel youjust want to click on cPanel here that’s gonna be the back end for your hosting account now if you choose a differenthost besides Bluehost let’s just say you go with Hostgator for example it is gonna look a little bit different butusually they have a lot of the same options here so you’ll always find something with an install WordPress justbecause WordPress is so popular it’s a one-click install so we’re just gonna click on install WordPress and you’llsee here top scripts so you can install any of these different options here on a website we’re obviously going to chooseWordPress here and all we need to do is click on install and what it’s shown here is software setup choose the version you want toinstall so just make sure you’re installing the most recent version of WordPress it’s likely gonna be more recent than this and when you’rewatching this video WordPress has updates all the time you can always keep it updated once you have a WordPress website choose yourinstallation URL so I just want it to be at HTTP wicker guide comm I don’t wantthere to be any directory here so we’re gonna get rid of this so we just want to install it on our main domain and you’regonna see some site settings down here so site name site description so we can update update these right now right nowit’s showing my blog and my wordpress blog so what I can do is something like wicker guide and we’ll just do wickerfurniture for now so well we can always change this later I’ll probably end up changing this after I install it but just so we have a little bit of sitesetting set up admin account so username and password so what I’m gonna do right now is set up my username and mypassword so we’re gonna hide the password and we’ll just enter this here ok so that’s good for right now we haveour admin account set up so you want to make sure you remember your username and password if you’re setting it up at this step again you can change all theselater after you install WordPress and I’ll show you how to do that okay so what we’re gonna do next is install WordPress so we just need to scroll tothe bottom of the page we have our account setup we have our language setup you could select some of these plugins here if you want they have some AdvancedOptions you can select a theme but all I’m gonna do is click on install now it’s showing congratulations thesoftware is installed successfully so WordPress has been successfully installed at wicker guide.comand here’s my administrative URL this is where I’m gonna sign in to the backend so let’s open up the front end of ourwebsite first so if we look at the front end of our website you can see it’s really basic right now we have our sitename wicker guide wicker furniture here is our site description the tagline that we set up it’s always gonna install thefirst post hello world and they’ll usually have a comment so you can see a WordPress comments or on hello worldjust some sample data so you can kind of understand and right now they have a theme installed here we’re gonna end upchanging this theme they also have a sample page so what we want to do is we want to sign in to the backend of ourWordPress website so that’s where you really want to get started is signing in to the backend of your website there’s afew other things that we’re going to need to purchase in order to setup our Amazon affiliate marketing website sothe total investment if you’re looking at the first year for an Amazon affiliate marketing website just withgetting started here is gonna be anywhere from a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars if you go with a dedicated hosting plan you can startwith a more basic hosting plan you might experience some downtime so maybe what you want to do is go for a VPS hostingplan sometimes you can set it up for three months or six months and see if maybe that works better for you but whatwe’re gonna do is come to the dashboard so this automatically signed us in if it didn’t automatically sign us in so let’sjust say for example we come up here we log out and you’re gonna see it’s now logged out so when you go to your website what you can do is so I haveliquor guy.com you would enter your own domain name here we’re gonna do wicker guide.com slash wp-admin and you can seehere it’s telling me to enter my user name or email address and my password so all you need to do is enter that hereokay so I’ll do remember me so I stay logged in and it’s really that simple and now we have our WordPress website set up so where I usually get started iswe’re just gonna come right here to updates make sure we update any of the options they have here you always wantto keep your themes and plugins up to date there’s other plugins you can install to make sure that your updates are automatically completed when they dobecome available so what I want to do is install the theme that I used for my websites so we’re gonna come over toyour to appearance and we’re gonna go to themes now if you look at my websites three different websites that I havethat I use for Amazon affiliate marketing are floor jacks Entercom so this is the one that I purchased fromflippa.com so I purchased this website because it had good traffic it has some content already so all I need to do is add theshop so if we open up the shop page here you can see that I have some of these different products added so all thesedifferent floor jacks and scissor jacks in mind you I’m not an expert in any of this stuff outsource a lot of thecontent creation I just add the products myself and then if we come over here to beachfront decor calm you can see I havemy beachfront decor website open and then if we come over to farm house calls calm so all these websites look prettysimilar for Jack’s Center has a little bit of a different home page and the other two just because I didn’t designthat home page and I’m still setting up this website I would say this one doesn’t really do much in terms of myearnings yet but beachfront decor is my main earner and farmhouse goals is pretty close behind beachfront decor soI set up these websites because I think it’s they’re really easy to set up all it does take a lot of time to addcontent and to add products but if you just work on it every single day take acouple hours out of your day or more and just keep working on it and growing them it’s gonna help you grow your income sowhat I want to do first is install the theme that I have on all these different websites which is called flat sum soit’s called the flat sum WordPress theme so we’re gonna come over here to wicker guide.com you can see they automaticallyinstall 20 20 20 19 and 20 17 so what we need to do is purchase the flat sumtheme and install that one the place where you can purchase the flat sum theme is gonna be on themeforest.net soif we come in here I’m signed in to my account already you can see purchased licenses you have three lights andlicenses for this item so those are the three websites that I just showed you so what we need to do now is buy a newlicense a license is $59 it’s a one-time fee you don’t have to pay yearly so onceyou purchase this theme you don’t need to continue to spend any additional money you can extend support I reallydon’t ever use support I would just prefer to do some Google searches if I’m having any issues with this theme butI’ll say I really recommend this theme and I’ve tried a lot of different mu commerce themes but this is the one that has given me the best earnings and itseems to give me the best user engagement as well I’m gonna add this to my cart now so if you don’t have an account already with themeforest.net youcan create an account it actually makes up a lot of different brands that you can purchase templatesfrom you can see here code video audio graphics photos and 3d files so it’s allpart of one major website so you can start on themeforest.net the other thing we’re gonna be purchasing is theWooCommerce Amazon affiliates WordPress plugin it’s also called Woo’s own so if you come in here and you go to buylicense a regular license for this is $49 so between the WooCommerce Amazonaffiliates WordPress plugin and the flat sum theme we’re gonna be spending fifty nine and forty nine dollars for both ofthem I’ll put both of these links in the video description so you can easily find them again I’m not affiliated with anyof these products at all these are just the products that I use for my website so I’m gonna add both of them to my carand I’m gonna check out okay so when I’m checking out so I’m gonna be checking out from code Canyon net let me move mypage over a little bit so you can create an account just directly at code Canyon net if you don’t have one alreadyso the total fee here is gonna be $108 for this theme and for this plugin nowthe plug-in you absolutely need if you’re looking for a free alternative in terms of a theme what you can do is comeover to WordPress just write in themes and you can come to add new and after you click on add new do a quick searchfor storefront so storefront is a free theme its WooCommerce ready so you can use this theme instead of the flotsamtheme completely free and if you setup your website with storefront you can always switch over to flat sum later soit’s really a matter of preference I think I’ve get more earnings I’ve used storefront and I’ve used flat sum formonths at a time and I think flat sum drives a lot more earnings drives a lot more sales for me I think it’s just easier to use overall I haven’t usedeasy storefront or storefront business or some of these other options here so you can always try some of these otherthemes I just personally prefer to use flat sum because that’s what I’m comfortable with that’s the one that all my websites aremade with so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna check out now so we’re gonna come over here I’m gonna pay my 8 108 dollarsand what it’s gonna do is it’s gonna give me two different files that I can download along with a license so I canset up my theme and I can set up my commerce Amazon affiliate plug-in whichis gonna be what’s gonna allow us to import products directly from Amazon to our WordPress website so I’m gonna checkout now ok my payment is completed so now it’s gonna say an email confirmation is coming your way I did my checkoutwith PayPal it cost me 108 dollars for these two different files so now we need to do is go to my downloads page I’m gonna clickhere to go to downloads so when I go to my downloads page you can see these are the different themes and the differentplugins that I can download nobody scroll down here you can see there’s a little bit of a theme here I keep purchasing the same exact theme the sameexact plug-in because you do need a different license for every single website I can’t down low this WooCommerce Amazonaffiliates WordPress plug-in and install it on multiple websites because you get one license for each individual websiteso that’s just just in case you want to create multiple websites like this I would highly recommend just focusing on one one website for the time being Ishould really focus more on just my main two websites but I’m looking to expand a little bit so since I have a goodroutine down in terms of working with websites so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna download both of these files hereso we’re just gonna click on download and you can see it’s all files and documentation installable WordPress fileonly and then your the license certificate and purchase code PDF or text so I’m gonna do the installableWordPress file okay so we have that downloading here I’m gonna download the WooCommerce installable WordPress fileas well so the Amazon affiliates WordPress plug-in now mind you this individual plug-in is separate fromWooCommerce itself so you’re also gonna have to install WooCommerce so once you install WooCommerce and this thenthey’re gonna be able to work together so you do need to install WooCommerce before you install wasone or W zone thisis just essentially the plug-in that allows you to import your Amazon products so now that I have these two downloads here what I can do is comeback over to my website and install the theme and then install this WordPress plug-in we also want to come here anddownload the license certificate and purchase code and I want to come over here and do the same thing here so I want to make sure I download all thesedifferent files so the installable WordPress file I can just completely just go right to my website I can come to appearance themesupload theme and I can just install that file right here okay so I have my themehere it’s a zip format so you can see its theme for us flat some multi-purpose responsive e-commerce theme WordPresstheme so we’re gonna install it now okay so the theme is installed successfully so we’re gonna activate it now once youactivate it it’s gonna bring you to this setup wizard for flat sum so what we want to do is go let’s go and it’s gonnaask for the purchase code so I’m gonna enter my purchase code here I can’t show you my purchase code just because Idon’t think it’s gonna be able to use twice and I don’t want anybody to use my purchase code to try to use for theirown theme so what you want to do is enter your purchase code and you can get that from the txt file so all you needto do is go to your downloads page download this license certificate in purchase code text and then you justtake that purchase code and you enter it right here confirm and activate so that’s I’m gonnado right now this the next thing you can do is set up a flat sum child theme this is completely optional so if you’refamiliar with child themes it allows you to make changes to the source code so you make the changes to a child themeand then as you update your main theme you don’t lose those changes now I don’t make a ton of changes to my codeand usually if I do I’ll try to use a plug-in so for this I’m just gonna skip this step if you like to use a childtheme if you’re familiar with them then create and use the child theme there’s no additional costs or anything likethat it’s just a matter of preference so I’m gonna skip this step next is gonna be some of the default plugins so it’sgonna say this will install default plugins included with flotsam so I’m just gonna click on continue will install all these plugins here we don’thave to use them but it just gives us some different plugins that are recommended with the flat ‘some themeokay so now it’s gonna say install demo content this is up to you I’m gonna skip this step so it will create some defaultcontact forms default post default pages so if you’re interested in that you can use it what I’m gonna do is just skipthis step for right now so next is to upload our logo so I actually don’t have a logo yet what I can do is create alogo for Wicker guide I’m probably gonna end up changing it usually the way I get a logo is through fiverr.com so I’lljust come to Fiverr and all you need to do is go to fiverr.com sign in to your account or create an account if youdon’t have one already and then you’re gonna see one of the main things here is logo design so we’ll click on got it down here get rid of my downloads at thebottom of the screen click on logo design and what you’re gonna see is some of the top services available it’ssorted by best selling you can do recommended newest arrivals if we scroll down you can look at some of thesedifferent options here you can go with budget so if your budgets five to ten dollars then you can do that some ofthese starting at $15 this one starts at $100 keep coming down $100 $15 usuallyI’ll just look for one that’s $15 or less I’ve gotten them for five or ten dollars and every single logo you see onmy websites I didn’t create so beachfront decor this logo right here was created with Fiverr my farmhousegoals logo this was created with Fiverr so maybe not the greatest logos in the world but they work they make thewebsite look professional so I’m gonna have to find a logo for wicker guide.com so I’m gonna end up doing that throughfiverr.com so we’re gonna come back over here I’m gonna skip this step for now so the logo it’s gonna show for my websiteit’s gonna be this flat some logo that’s fine though that doesn’t really bother me select a preset so you can select adifferent preset for the way you want your website to look I’m gonna select this the main preset right here you cankeep scrolling over and see all these different options so if you like some of these different home pages you can select oneof these presets here what I’m gonna do is skip this step for right now next is gonna be help and support so I’m notgonna have help in support so I’m just gonna do agree and continue okay so after installing our flat some theme nowI’m back to my dashboard so let’s just come over here to appearance and themes so our flat some theme should be ourmain theme activated you can see that here so what we can do is come over to our website will refresh the page andsee what it looks like okay so this is our homepage for right now we can change all this you can see we have our flatsum logo up here we don’t have any menu assigned this is the only post on our website is his hello world post so we dowant to change some of this stuff around a little bit but for now we’re gonna do is come back over to our website andwhat we want to do is go to plugins and install the Woo’s own WooCommerce plug-in okay so you can see some of thedifferent plugins we have here what I would recommend doing is setting up the Akismet anti-spam plug-in so it’s thebest way to protect your blog from spam you’re gonna get spam comments as your website starts to rank higher in Googleand as you start to get more traffic so you just want to make sure you have this Akismet anti-spam plug-in installed wehave contact form 7 here Hello Dolly which I’m gonna delete okay we’re gonna delete this plug-in okay so now we wantto do is add new and we’re just gonna upload that file that we downloaded earlier so we came to our downloads pagedownload we did the installable WordPress file so we’re gonna take that file and we’re gonna upload it righthere okay so we have our code Canyon WooCommerce Amazon affiliates WordPress plugins we’re gonna install it now okayso it’s saying plug-in installed successfully so we’re gonna activate the plug-in alright at the top it’s saying for bestpossible use your experience with wasone we highly recommend using one of these a 18 custom themes I’m gonna dismiss thisnotice you can look at these teams if you want see if wanna see if you like one of them if you’ve already purchased flat some I would recommend just goingwith flat some I have used the Kingdom theme in the past I wasn’t a huge fan so I’m just gonna dismiss this notice herethe current memory limit for us is 40 megabytes they recommend setting memory to at least 128 megabytes I’ll show youhow to do that server does not have soap client class enabled so gateway plugins which use soap may not work as expectedwe’re gonna dismiss this okay so now as we scroll down they’re gonna offer some different pluginsand these are all plugins that they recommend us purchase because it gives them additional sales so W zone and newawesome WordPress plugin additional variation images I’m gonna dismiss you can do Amazon product comparison tablesfill Amazon affiliate products boxes block I’m gonna dismiss all these notices here so now it’s saying thistheme recommends the following plugin we’re just gonna dismiss this for now as well so all we need to do is make surewe install our default pages so cart and check-out which we really don’t need with our Amazon affiliate marketingwebsite the way that I set it up I don’t have a cart or a checkout page so if we scroll down you can see this is whatWoo’s own is gonna look like so if we come to dashboard what we need to do first is enter our item purchase code soagain going back to our downloads page on code Canyon dotnet what you want to do is download this text file and thenopen it and you’re gonna have a purchase code in there so I’m gonna enter that now so we’re gonna come over here I have my email and I’m gonna enter my itempurchase code here so once you enter that code in there then what it’s gonna say is welcome to the W zone setupwizard please take five minutes to setup the most important plug-in settings so we’re gonna get started what kind ofwebsite is it see a blog online store a personal website or other so I’m just gonna do online store it’s gonna betechnically a blog in an online store it could kind of be all three of these things but we’re gonna go with next whatis the state of the website so we’re gonna do fresh install so I don’t have any content yet so we’re gonna click on next again okay so what is the purposeyou want to use Wu’s zone and some of the different options I already have awebsite want to earn some money some easy money from affiliation so you can select one of these here so for this I’mjust gonna do I’m creating a new website with the sole purpose of having a store featuring Amazon products so that’s theone I’m gonna choose we’re gonna go with next so some of these different options here on site cards so I don’t want an onsite car I’d rather just send people directly to Amazon when they click on one of my links with an on site car itallows people to add multiple Amazon products into the cart and then when they click checkout they’re gonna godirectly to Amazon so this is again a matter of preference I always set it up without the on site cart 90-day cookiesI always say to keep this checked because if a customer adds a product into Amazon cart it’s kept there forninety days and if the user continues shopping you will also get the Commission’s so 90 day cookie is what I select reviews tabs show show Amazonreviews I’ll do that show frequently bought together products I’ll do that product availability by country so youcan choose this or not choose this it’s really again a matter of preference this option displays coupons if they’reavailable not going to do that ask the user email address before the checkout process happens I’m not gonna do thatthis option will display all product images from the Amazon content deliverynetwork and for the last two four remote Amazon images I’m gonna keep this checked and for show free shipping I’mnot gonna keep this checked so we’re gonna click on next now price is set up so what I always do is just only Amazonfor import product from merchants I just do only Amazon so you can do Amazon andother sellers but I always just choose only Amazon here I think it just makes sure is that a lot of that products that I’m importing are gonna have the pricesall completely set up and pretty consistent over time import as so you can import as a publish or as a draft soif you want to import as a draft that allows you to edit the products before you publish them you are gonna have to go and manually publish them I just liketo import as publish and then you can always go back and edit the products later import products with price zero Ialways keep this in unchecked and import attributes I keep this checked so we’re gonna go with next number of images andvariations so with number of images i wouldn’t recommend going with all because if you’re trying to import a product with a ton of images it’s justgonna take a lot more time you can come down here and do something like three five seven usually with number of imagesI’ll just do two because I think as long as I just have the main product image I’m fine there’s a second image toimport then it will import that one as well so a number of images I’ve set at two now product variations so if youever been to a product page on Amazon where let’s just say for example Nike is selling t-shirts they might have tenvariations of the same t-shirt in different colors different sizes so you can import product variations I prefernot to use variations at all again this is a matter of preference and something that if you’re gonna be importingproducts with a lot of variations then you can do that for mine if for example there’s a wicker company selling four orfive different types of products rather just import them all separately rather than have them all on one productpage with variations so I’m gonna do variations none spin on import I do choose to auto spin content at importhelps to avoid Google finding duplicate content there is gonna be some duplicate content issues here when you areimporting products from Amazon that’s why you really focus a lot on trying to make sure that I create a lot oforiginal blog content on my website as well so we’re gonna click on next here check out message you will be redirectedto Amazon website to complete your checkout so when someone clicks on a product on my website so let’s just saywe come over here to beachfront decor and we’ll just scroll down and let’s say I click on beach wall decor someonecomes in to this page let’s just say they’re interested in this product right here they click on learn more it’s just gonna take them directly to Amazon sowhat I generally do when I’m setting this up is redirect in one second by button custom text you can see on mywebsite I had it set up as learn more so I prefer to do learn more because I think people click on learn more they goto Amazon then they get to learn more about the products the pricing and everything they really need to know Buy button opens in I’ll do new tab as oftext font size so with that if we come over here and we click on this page so we’re going to this product page what’sgonna happen when you import products from Amazon it’s gonna import the descriptions everything like that so theAmazon price right here is 47 dollars and 87 cents someone can click on learn more and go to Amazon so the as of sothis is the last date that this product has been updated so right now it’s saying as of May 15 2020 the product theprice for this individual piece of canvas are is forty-seven dollars and 87 cents so when it’s coming over here andsaying adds of text font size that’s exactly what it means is this as of text right here so you can make this smallerlarger I’ll just keep it at the 0.6 and we’re going to click on next now whatyou need to do is set up your access key ID and your secret access key and your affiliate ID for your website so if youhaven’t been accepted to the Amazon Associates program yet at this point what you want to do is go to yourwebsite and start adding original content so you can write your own original content around some of your topkeywords so for example if we come over here to Wieck and I want to start adding some content here what I can do is something alongthe lines of what is wicker furniture how is wicker furniture made types of wicker furniture so I can come up with10 15 different blog posts and start writing about the main topic of my website so if we come over to my websitefarmhouse Kohl’s calm if we come to my blog to just go to blog home a lot of my content is really product base forexample I have a bunch of bedding products here so this is one of my blog posts farmhouse bedding sets and rustic bedding sets obviously I’m targetingthese two keywords here so I want this post to rank high in Google for farmhouse bedding so we keep scrollingdown I have TV stands wood signs metal farmhouse signs if we keep coming down so this is a little bit different 101farmhouse bedroom ideas so what you want to do is just start writing blog posts start creating this content on yourwebsite if you’re not accepted to the Amazon affiliate marketing Amazon Associates program yet so if you don’thave an account that’s been approved that’s where you need to start so if you don’t have this content on your websitethen you need to either write it or what I would recommend doing is using a service like a writer comso with eyewriter com you can come in to order content and you can order content for as low as five ten dollars so youcan get ten articles easily and the articles aren’t going to be overly long if you’re only spending ten dollars perarticle but let’s just say for example you want ten articles you’re willing to spend $20 per article you can get tendifferent articles all around the main topics of your website and they’re gonna be anywhere from 500 to probably 700words each and they’re gonna be well written articles for the most part so you have the option to reject content ifit’s not good enough you have the option to get article rewrites so there’s a lot of different things that you can do witheye writer so if you don’t want to go and create your own content right now and write 10 articles then just make asmall investment with eye writer and get some content for your website because that’s what’s gonna allow you to beaccepted into the Amazon Associates program so what I’m gonna do now is show you how to create your demo access youraccess key ID and your secret access key along with an affiliate ID and your Amazon Associates account so what youwant to do first is sign into your Amazon Associates account so at this point if you’re not accepted intoAmazonas I would fast-forward to the video a little bit because I’m gonna go through content and different ways to add somecontent to your website so if you’re not accepted into Amazon Associates you’re gonna need that content in order to beaccepted so once you are in what you want to do is go into your account and you want to go to the Tools menu at thevery top and click on product advertising API so from there when you click on that link it’s gonna bring youto a page that looks like this and you want to scroll down that page and you’re gonna see a portion that says manageyour credentials so with your credentials you’re creating an access key ID and a secret access key ID whenyou add credentials it’s gonna create both of those keys you want to make sure you download those key IDs becauseyou’re gonna use them to enter and connect the Amazon product API to your WordPress website and the wasone plug-inis what’s gonna allow you to connect both of those things now once you have both of your access key IDs you want toadd them back to that portion that I showed you earlier and I’m gonna go through that in a few screenshots butthe next one I have is you also want to go to the top of your Amazon Associates account you want to click on the emailaddress up at the top so for your account and then manage your tracking IDs and from there you can go down andadd a new tracking ID so for every store I have a different tracking ID so that allows me to track sales separately foreach individual’s store so you want to add a tracking ID and you can see here I created my tracking ID it’s just wickero 720 so they’re always gonna have this – 20 at the end and then the wicker o 7is just whatever is available I just want something that I know I can tell each store apart so now I have all mythings created I went to to the Tools menu I went to the product advertising API got my access key my secret accesskey and I have my affiliate ID so the last thing we need to do is come over here and enter our access key ID I wouldsay I blocked a portion of it and my secret access key ID and I bought the portion of that as well and then I entermy affiliate ID here so you can create separate affiliate IDs for different countries that’s something you mightwant to do down the line or you might want to do it now if you’re really focused on specific countries with your website for me personally usually I’llstart with the United States and then use the United Kingdom and Canada so once my website starts growing I’llenter all those other affiliate IDs but for now I want to use the United States so once we enter our access key ID our secretaccess key our affiliate ID and I showed you with the previous screenshots how to do that what we want to do is we’regonna come back over to our website and we’re still setting up the Woo’s own plugin at this point and we want toscroll all the way to the bottom and I’m gonna check my Amazon AWS keys so we’re gonna click here okay now I got a checkmark country United States so it’s saying the WooCommerce Amazon affiliates was able to connect to Amazon with thespecified AWS key pair and associate ID so now I’m all ready to go I have it all set up now one thing to keep in mind ifwe come back over to the screenshots Amazon recommends updating your accesskeys every single 90 days and you’re only allowed to create to access key IDs so if you have multiple websites so forexample this is gonna be my fourth Amazon affiliate website that I’m creating so with four different websitesyou’re able to use the same access key IDs for multiple websites so when you do update your access key IDs what you needto do is go back to the Woo’s own plug-in and right at the front screen of the Woo’s own plug-in when you’re doingyour Amazon configuration you can always up to update those keys very easily and then check your keys like I showed youdown here check your Amazon AWS keys and as long as you get this checkmark everything is connected then you’reready to finish and you can update your keys or if you’re just creating new keys and you just want to follow the steps Ijust went through so we’re gonna click on finish now okay so we got congrats you have successfully setup luzon wizard we cannow import Amazon products into our website so now I’m gonna click on close and if you ever want to update your keysor if you’re having any issues with your keys what you want to do is click on the W’s own plug-in on the left hand side godirectly to your dashboard and then what you want to do is click on Amazon config so that’s for Amazon configuration wecan click here when you go into this page you’re gonna be able to see your Amazon API keys you can see we’re usingthe new API 5.0 as of January 14 2020 so you always want to use the newest AmazonAPI and now we can go through setting up the rest of the plug-in so what I’m gonna do is come in here to plug-insetup and I’m gonna go through the different things that I do and I’m setting up the plug-in now you can adjust any of these things you don’thave to follow exactly what I’m doing people use different configurations for W zone I’m justshowing you the configuration that I use what works for me so first it’s gonna be the on-site cart so I don’t use theon-site car I’d rather if someone’s gonna click a product just be redirected directly to Amazon cuz once I get thatclick and someone goes to Amazon I think they’re more likely to convert I haven’t done a ton of testing with the on-sitecart I’ve just always set up my website this way and I’ve just always kept it that way as well so I have no on-sitecart when someone clicks on learn more they’re just gonna be redirected directly to Amazon rather than addingsomething to the cart and then when they click checkout they’re gonna be redirected to Amazon so I have no foron-site cart 90-day cookies I knew yes show Amazon URL as by URL I do yes hereget product short URL for this one I dunno we’ll keep scrolling down I keepthe badges and flags as they’re already set so no yes top left keep scrolling down these nextthree I all set as no and then we’ll keep scrolling down show coupon I dunnocheckout email I have no no here I have no for export emails no for gallery nofor remove featured image from product gallery yes and yes for product short description and review tab checkoutmessage if you will be redirected to Amazon Web sites who complete your checkout and then redirect I just do oneif we keep coming down so product by button so for Amazon what I do here is learn more and then open in I like toopen in a new tab so when someone clicks on the buy button for an Amazon product it opens it in a new tab you could dothe same thing for eBay here I don’t usually import eBay products to my website but if you want to import eBay products that’s another option that youhave eBay has their own affiliate marketing program I really just focus on Amazon and a couple of the otheraffiliate partnerships that I work with keep scrolling down remote Amazon images select yes select remote image sizes Ijust leave this as is keep coming down so product and post-show additionalimages I’ll do yes here product and post extra CSS I have nothing activate product availability by countrybox for this I set as no products availability by country box so I have this set as no so right now it’s showingbefore Add to Cart button that’s fine it doesn’t really matter because I’m not going to have it anyway show country flag on cart page soI don’t actually have a car page so I could just select yes or no for this country flags as links no deleteattachments also when you delete a product so for this I do yes because I want to delete the attachments that areassociated with that product when I delete the product as well cross-selling I keep as yescross selling products I set to three cross selling variable product first variation keep coming down products withmissing or listing ID external I said this as no this one as a no and thenshow available the icon as yes keep scrolling down activate product price disclaimer so I keep this as yes textfont size so you can make this a little bit larger if you want for my other websites I have it set at one so we’lljust set it at one here and then the way it’s gonna look is choose display price template so with this Amazon price as ofand then its month date and year so for the date format I like to make sure I change this to month date and year andthen I’m gonna do save the settings so that’s the first part of the settings for setting up the W zone plug-in so ifwe come to the top here that portion is the plug-in setup so that’s how we’re setting up the actual plug-in forgeneral and Amazon tab the next is gonna be the import setup so we’ll go to that now okay so I went over a few of theseas we were setting up the plug-in in the very beginning so import attributes yes I’m not gonna select any attributes hereit’s just all Amazon attributes lists keep coming down beautify attribute title no prices set up only Amazonimport product for merchants Amazon and other sellers this one just gonna set to only Amazon import products with price 0no variation so I’m not gonna have any variations I don’t like to use variations for my Amazon affiliatemarketing websites again this is a matter of preference you can import variations if you want to import I justlike to import directly as publish and then I can go back and edit the product titles image import type I’m gonna dodefault download images at import ratio product validation I keep this at 90cron number of images I keep this at 100 number of images so how many images todownload for each product default is all so for this usually I’ll just set it at one or two so we’ll just set it at twofor now so I don’t like to set too many images because too many images can actually end up just being too much whenyou’re importing your products if you import a thousand products and each product has five images on average thenyou’re gonna be importing a ton of images to your website image names product title spin on import I’m gonnaset this as yes spin max replacements ten replacements create only parentcategories on import this one I set to no force import parent the last three Idid is set to yes and then we can save these settings so you want to make sure you have your settings all set up you can again always change these settingsand go back and do that now the rest of these I’m just gonna leave as is so the next thing you want to do is go to thedirect import extension this allows you to go directly to amazon.com and importproducts to your website so you want to get the direct import extension so you want to come here and once you come inhere for the direct import extension what you want to do is click on this link right here get the W zone direct import extension here so we’re gonnaclick there it’s gonna open up the google chrome store so we’re gonna add this to Chrome okay we’re gonna addextension okay so now this has been added to Google Chrome so what we can do now is go directly to amazon.com andwhat you can see is when we go to Amazon we have the W zone direct import extension up here at the very top if youwant to import products please go to any Amazon product details page so we have to actually open up an individualproduct so since my website is wicker guide.com I just search wicker furniture so let’s just open up this wickerrocking chair we’re gonna open up this product page so we come into this product page here and what its gonna sayis before using this extension you need to authorize it in the W zone plug-in on your install so what we need to do iscome back over here and we need to generate a new API key so I’m gonna generate that key now okay so I have myAPI secret key here and now we can click on save the settings okay so now it says options updated successfully so now wewant to do is we want to come back over to Amazon and you can see before using this extension need to authorize the Wzone plugin so we come back over here okay when you come back over here what you’re gonna have to do is refresh thepage so when you refresh the page you’re gonna get this up at the top do you want to authorize the direct import extensionto access and import products so we’re gonna click on authorize so now you can see website successfully added so we cancome back over to Amazon now we can refresh this page and what you can see is now it’s showing this product up at the very top so all weneed to do is click on this product and it’s gonna import it to our website if we come over to where to import you can see right here it’s wicker guide so wehave our website activated through the Wu’s own direct import plug-in this is the plug-in I use to add all theproducts in my website now they had old plugins and old ways to install products in the past to add products to yourwebsite this is the way I currently add products to my website so what we can do is click right here and once we startcreating our product categories we’re gonna have some categories come up the only product category we have right nowis uncatted eyes so I’m gonna go through product categories in the next step but what I want to do first is go over somedifferent WordPress plugins that you want to make sure you install for your website so when you’re setting up your website I like to kind of setupeverything first before I start adding products and before I start adding blog posts and everything like that so whatwe’re gonna do is click on close for right now and I’m gonna come back over here and show you how to import this product so right now all you can do whatyou can do is click on import and it’s gonna import the product and it’s gonna actually import the categories fromAmazon I do not recommend doing that Amazon categories are gonna be set up differently than the categories you wantto set up for your website so essentially what it would do is if i imported this product and auto-detectedcategories from amazon it’s gonna create categories on my website for patio lawn and garden patio furniture andaccessories patio seating chairs and rocking chairs all of those categories are gonna be created when I import thisone individual product now you can do that if you’d rather just import those categories yourself and then go back andedit the categories and make sure they’re all set up properly I just prefer to do it manually so coming back over to our website that’s pretty muchall you need to do to set up the W zone plug-in now there’s more things that you can set up over time and you can alsouse some of these different options down here so for example they have insane import mode that’s another way to importproducts I would recommend checking that out seeing if you’d rather import products that way there’s different waysto import products with the W zone direct import plug-in now the other thing is synchronization and what youcan do is you can actually synchronize your products on your website so if we come over to synchronization what youcan do is make sure your products are always up to date and you can make sure that Amazon is constantly checking thatproduct is in stock the product has a current price and you can make sure if there’s any product changes for exampleI import this product to my website the current price right now is 150 $9.99 andfree shipping now let’s just say a month or two goes by the price goes up to 160 $9.99 what synchronization is gonna dois it’s gonna make sure that those products stay up to date so that’s something you want to make sure you set up within your W zone plug-in and I cango through this later in the video but I don’t have any products yet so I’m not gonna do that now a few other things down here content spinner not somethingI really use Amazon recommendations again not something I use too often so if you want to get more familiar withthis plug-in and kind of use some of these different options that they have there’s really no downside to learningevery detail of the guzo and plug-in for me I come in here and I make sure I have my Amazon configuration set up and Imake sure I might direct import extension set up on my Google Chrome because that allows me to import products directly from Amazon so if wekeep scrolling down at the bottom here there’s some more speed optimization assets downloads products that’ssynchronization log to make sure all your synchronization is happening every single day come up here the other thingyou can do is auto import products again I’d rather just do it manually but these are all different options that you haveusing this plug-in so make sure you take advantage of this plug-in in every single detail that there is if you wantto use all of that for your website so we’re gonna come over here to plugins next and we’re gonna come to installedplug-in okay so you can see here we already have two updates available for some of these different plugins that we have installed you always want to keepyour plugins up-to-date so if your plugins aren’t up-to-date that means that hackers can actually hack yourwebsite because a lot of times these plugins have updates because there’s security vulnerabilities not only dothey update to give you some new features but a lot of it is also just patching up any security issues theycurrently have so make sure you always keep your plugins up-to-date so what we’re gonna do is update these two plugins now we’ll just come here andwe’ll do update and apply okay so both of our plugins are updated now some of the plugins I recommend adding to yourwebsite before you get started is first off Yoast SEO so I always add the YoastSEO plug-in to all of my websites so we’re going to come into plugins here and what I’m gonna do is just go to the popular page because I know there’s somedifferent plugins on the popular page that generally use okay so if we go to add new plugins what what I’m gonna do isclick on this popular tab here we already have contact form seven so it’s really easy to set up contact formsusing this plug-in Yoast SEO so we’re gonna install this one now I’m gonna install classic editor so I just preferto use the classic editor this again is really a matter of preference if you like using the current block editorthat’s available in WordPress then just continue to use the current block editor for me I’ve been using WordPress foryears and years so the classic editor is what I’m completely used to so I just don’t like to learn some of these new things when I’m already comfortable withsomething like the classic editor so I’m gonna click on Install Now for this one keep coming down we already have Lukecommerce so you have to make sure you have WooCommerce installed elements or page builder very popular plug-in sothis is something that you can set up here as well so it’s a drag-and-drop page builder makes it really easy tocreate pages on your website so some of these different options here so duplicate post WordPress importerwordfence security is something that you can set up so we’ll install this one now keep coming down all in one migrationGoogle Analytics dashboard plugins so this could be a good option I’m gonna show you how I install Google tagmanager Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools aka Google search console so you wanna make sure you havethose three things installed on your website so we’ll come down and look at a few more all in one SEO pack you don’tneed this if you’re using Yoast SEO Google XML sitemaps you don’t need this if you’re using Yoast SEO WP super cacheso very fast caching engine for WordPress so we’re just gonna install this one you want to use a cache becausewhat that does is the plugin will actually store and produce your HTML files and make your website load muchfaster for people so essentially anything that speeds up your website you want to use for your website so we’regonna install this one now so MailChimp for WordPress so if you eventually get started with an email list you mightwant to install this plugin keep coming down we’ll look at a few more so smush so compress optimize and lazy loadimages I actually use smush Pro so it’s a yearly fee and I have it set up I havefour five web sites so eventually I’m gonna install smush for this website I can install it now so we’ll just leaveit like that for now so we’ll come down and look at a few more so there’s some different things you can install here you can test plugins like Auto optimizeW total cache verse WP super cache it really depends on what you want to try for you disable common so a lot of timesI’ll disable comments on my website WP fastest cache another option so that’s the end of the first page of the mostpopular plugins so some of the different plugins I get started with I showed you here so we’ll activate this plug-insmush and we’ll come down we’ll make sure all of our plugins are activated so I’m gonna activate the classic editoragain you can use the wordpress block editor you can use Elementor there’s different plugins like that that allowyou to use more of a drag and drop and what-you-see-is-what-you-get type editors so we’ll keep coming downwordfriends security will activate okay so we have wordfence security setup will do WP super cache ok so it’s saying heredo you want wordfence to stay up-to-date automatically we’ll just yes enable auto update that means anytime there’s a newversion it’s just gonna update automatically Yoast SEO so we’ll activate this plugin ok let’s scroll to the bottom so we haveall these different plugins installed and activated I need to still activate a kismet anti-spam now to kind of gothrough this video a little bit quicker what I’m gonna do is just show you the list of plugins that I also install inaddition to the ones that I showed you now there’s other plugins I might use over time as well so it just reallydepends on the website and what I’m trying to accomplish but some of the different plugins that I use so accelerated mobile pages access presssocial share so that’s good for social media sharing ad inserter so know when I want to insert specific advertisementsor any Amazon affiliate code on my website you can use ad inserter now this is a premium plugin it’s called BLT BIAlty bulk image alt text with Yoast SEO and WooCommerce this is a premiumplug-in glue for Yoast SEO and accelerated mobile pages head footer andpost injections this one I’m actually going to install to show you how I install Google tag manager Google Analytics and Google search console maxmega menu pwo Commerce bulk edit pro this allows me to make bulk edits to myproducts q2 w3 fixed widget schema and structured data for WP SEO optimizedimages simple 301 redirects WooCommerce Add to Cart Tex change WooCommercedirect checkout wordpress https and the WP Instagram widget so these are some ofthe different plugins that I usually install my website now if you do a quick Google search and you just do best WordPress plugins 20 20 or 20 21whatever year it is you’re gonna find a huge list of plugins based really on whatever you need your website to do thebest part about using WordPress is no matter what you want your website to do there’s probably a plugin for it outthere already there’s hundreds of thousands if not millions of plugins out there that you can install on your website you don’t need hundreds orthousands of plugins for your website you just need the plugins that are gonna help you accomplish everything you needto accomplish with a wordpress website the main ones for me our WooCommerce W zone Yoast SEO those are the ones Ialways start with and then some of these other ones I make sure I install my websites just to make sure it’s a little bit easier to use or I can install thefeatures that I want to install my website so the next thing I’m gonna do is I want to install this head footerand post injections plug-in on my website so that I can install Google tag manager Google Analytics and Googlesearch console so we’re gonna do that now so I’m gonna install what you do is just come in to plugins you add newplug-in and all you need to do is search that plug-in so we’ll do okay and here’s what that plug-in looks like right hereyou can see 200,000 plus active act installations and five-star review so we’re gonna install it now and activateit okay so if we scroll down we can see we have this plug-in here head footer and post injections so what we can do iswe can come over here to settings and what you’re gonna see is header and footer so we’re gonna come over here for our settings so what I’m gonna do now isI’m gonna open up Google tag manager so if you have a Google account you can easily create a tag manager account soyou just go to tag manager google.com it should open a page that looks something like this and what you want to do isclick on create account now the other thing we’re gonna do is open up Google Analytics you want to go to the adminscreen for your Google Analytics account you can see right now I have my beachfront decor account open so all ofmy accounts are under these same analytics umbrella through my quarry at Surfside PPC com email so what I’m gonnado under account here is create account and then the last thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna open up Google searchconsole so for this google.com slash search console again if you’re having trouble finding any of these links to aquick Google search for Google tag manager Google Analytics Google search console it’ll always be the top resultthey’re in Google search console what we want to do is click on this drop-down and go to add property so what we’re gonnado is add the property and for right now I’m gonna use the URL prefix method you could also use the domain method herebut I’m gonna use URL prefix and what I’m gonna do is HTTP and we’re just gonna do wicker guide.comthat’s gonna be the URL prefix that I’m gonna use for Google search console so let’s come back over here I’m not gonnado anything yet just keep this as is let’s come back over here to Google tag manager and we’ll set this up okay soaccount name is gonna be wicker guide country is gonna be United States I’m not gonna share data anonymously we’lljust leave that unchecked for right now container setup so what we’ll do is just wicker guide comm target platform isgoing to be web and you can also use accelerated mobile pages for a separate account but I’m just gonna use web andclick on create so now we have to accept the terms of service agreement so we’ll come down click on it and we’ll click onyes so now we need to install Google tag manager so the reason that we’re using this head footer and Post injectionsplug-in is because it makes it really easy to install Google tag manager and then we can use Google tag manager toinstall and activate Google Analytics and Google search console so we’ll come over here we’ll take this code first sopaste this code as high in the head of the page as possible so we’re gonna come over here on every page enter this sowe’re just gonna enter that code right here so we’ll scroll down here immediately after the body tags so we’regonna come back over to Google tag manager additionally paste this code immediately after the opening body tag so we’regonna take this code right here we’re gonna copy it come back over and we’re gonna paste this code right here for a desktop and for mobile so we want tomake sure we have this activated on desktop and mobile and all we need to do now is click on save and Google tagmanager is installed on our website so it’s really that simple to install it using WordPress so what we can do isclick on the ok now and pretty much we have Google tag manager on our website now if you just want to double checkthat what you can do is you can install the Google tag assistant plug-in this isa chrome extension so I have this installed already on my google chrome so what I can do is just come back over towicker guide.com will refresh the page and now you can see it’s refreshed so what we can do is come over here to ourtag assistant and what we’re gonna do is click on enable so we’re gonna enable it refresh the page one more time and if weclick on tag assist you can see we have Google tag manager here okay now what we want to do is publish our container so it’s saying addtags and publish to make your changes live so we’re just gonna click on submit and we’re just gonna do publishcontainer and we’ll just do the same thing here container and we’re gonnaclick on publish okay so this is our live version one you can see over here if we come back to our workspace we haveour live version published a few seconds ago by Corey at surf side PBC comm sowe’ll come back over to our website and what you can do to make sure that you have Google tag manager Google AnalyticsGoogle search console make sure you have all these tags on your website is use the tag assistant by Google Chromeextension so if you’re using google chrome you can use the tag assistant and what that’s going to do is it’s gonna make sure that you have the tagsproperly installed on your website so we’re gonna refresh the page here and now we can do is come over to tag asystem we can click on tag assistant and you can see right here we have our Google tag manager tag here and sinceit’s green that means it’s set up properly so now we have Google tag manager installed on our website sowe’re ready to start adding our analytics tag our Google search console so with analytics we’re gonna come overhere we’re creating our analytics account so account name what we’re gonna do is wicker guide keep coming down wecan just keep all these checked so that’s fine we’ll click on next what do we want to measure so it’s gonna be webso if you can do apps and web if you’re also gonna have a mobile app I’m not for wicker guide comm so we’re gonna clickon next website named wicker guide you website URL so we’re gonna choose HTTPand we’re gonna do wicker guide comm industry category so from here we’regonna select home and garden so you just want to choose the best category for the website you’re creating reporting timezone usually I’ll just check my own time zone which is the eastern time zone so we’ll just come down here and we’ll do New York time ok we’ll click on createnow off to accept the Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement so we’ll accept this scroll down accept this andaccept ok so we have our property created now so what we want to do is we want to install our Google Analyticsusing Google tag manager so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna come over to Google tag manager since tag manager isalready installed on our wicker guide website we can install everything just directly through this tag managerinterface so we’re gonna click to add a new Tagg and what we’ll name our tag is just Google Analytics tag configuration nowyou’re gonna see there’s a bunch of different options down here at the very top is Google Analytics Universal analytics so we’re gonna clickright here track type is going to be page view select settings variable what we’re gonna have to do is set up a newvariable so with our new variable it’s gonna be our Google Analytics settings so we’re gonna do Google Analyticstracking ID we’re gonna click here the tracking ID so what we’re gonna do iscome over here you can see our tracking ID is right here at the top so we’re gonna take this we’re gonna copy it comeover to Google tag manager and paste it so now we can click on save so this is gonna be our new variable is our GoogleAnalytics tracking ID so that’s all we need to do and we can click on trigger and trigger it on all pages soessentially what this means is every time someone visits any page on our website it’s gonna trigger on everysingle page the Google Analytics tag so now we can click on save and then what we can do is click on submit so once wesubmit this it’s added Google Analytics and we’ll just copy and paste this here and we’ll publish it okay so we have onetag added one variable added that’s our Google Analytics tracking ID so now if we come back over to our website willrefresh the page again and we’ll click on the tag assistant plug-in up here at the top so if we click on tag assistantyou can see now we have our Google Analytics tag added and we have Google tag tag manager installed so if we comeover to analytics we’re going to see you a 1 6 7 3 4 so you just want to make sure that matches your tracking ID sonow that we have both our tag manager and Google Analytics installed on our website what we can do next is we justneed to verify our website in the Google search console so once you do this it’s very easy because you’re using the sameGoogle account for all 3 accounts we’re gonna open up the Google search console and again we’re setting up a newproperty so what you want to do is you click on the drop down you add a new property we’re gonna enter our URL hereso we’re doing HTTP Wicker guide com and we’re gonna click on continue and youcan see the ownership is auto verified using Google tag manager so they’re able to find the Google tag manager accountfor Wicker guide.com and we’re able to connect our website directly through the Google search console so now we can do is godirectly to our property and we’re pretty much all good to go you might get a message down here in the bottom right your site has been switched to mobilefirst indexing we could just click on got it processing data so since it’s a brand new website there’s probably notgoing to be anything in the performance to begin with because we have no content nothing is appearing in the search results yet so what I generally do whenI set up Google search console is I add my sitemap directly to Google search console and my sitemap is generatedusing the Yoast SEO plug-in that I went over earlier so what we want to do is go into our back-end for our WordPresswebsite we’re gonna open up the Yoast SEO plugin page and what we want to do is we want to come over here to thefeatures tab so we’re gonna click on features and you’re gonna see all these features are currently turned to on for us and right here XML sitemaps so if wego and click here you can see see the XML sitemap so all you need to do is click on the question mark see the XMLsitemap and regardless of your website URL your sitemap for Yoast SEO is alwaysgonna be your domain name slash sitemap index XML so we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take this page right here we’regonna copy we’re gonna come over to our site map so you see we have HTTP Wicker guide com enter the sitemap URL and justclick on submit okay so our sitemap was submitted successfully so it says Google will periodically process it and lookfor changes you will be notified if anything goes wrong with it in the future I’ve never really had any issues with it now if you see couldn’t fetch Iwouldn’t worry about that right now you can always come in here and click on it and you can see right now it’s saying process successfully so I really don’thave many URLs right now because I haven’t created new content so what’s good about using the Yoast SEO plug-inis your XML sitemap is always gonna stay up to date so we come over here you don’t have to change anything about thiswhen you’re creating new posts when you’re creating new pages when you’re creating new products categories whenyou’re creating anything basically it’s going to continuously update your sitemap and the Google search console isable to track and watch that sitemap at all times so as you’re creating new pages it becomes easier for them toindex your pages into the Google search engine so now we can get started with adding our products using Amazon so whatwe’re gonna do is we’re gonna come back over to our website so we’re gonna come back here right now I’m at my home Paige so we’re gonna come over here andwe’re gonna go to dashboard so if we click on dashboard I want to show you how to add product categories and how toadd products to your website the first thing you want to do is you want to increase your current memory limit sothey’re saying we recommend setting memory to at least 128 megabytes so what we can do is click on this URLincreasing memory allocated to PHP and what it’s going to say is this page wasmoved to editing wp-config.php so it’s actually very easy to add this nowthey’re gonna have a huge huge list of everything you can edit in your wp-config.php file now what you want todo is you want to come over here on the right-hand side and you want to find the link for increasing memory allocated toPHP you can also just do a Google search increasing memory allocated to PHP WordPress and you’ll get the same exactarticle coming up I’ll put this link in the video description essentially any links that I go over in this video I’mgonna put in the video description so you can easily find them so increasing memory allocated to PHP you’re gonna seedefine WP memory limit and you can see you can increase it to 64 megabytes 96megabytes they’re recommending we increase it to 128 megabytes so what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna take this right here we’re just gonna copy it for right now we’re gonna end up editing this now you can skip this step if you want for now so ifyou just want to fast-forward a little bit to me adding the actual products then you can fast-forward to that portion you can check the videodescription for all the different timestamps that we have throughout this video so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna open up our Bluehost account so Ihave my WIC or guide.com dedicated Bluehost account open and what we want to do is want to open file manager so if we come over and we scrolldown we have file manager here so we’re gonna click on file manager and we’re gonna open it up for Wicker guide.comso right now I also have my website floor Jack Center com hosted on this same dedicated hosting account buteventually I’m gonna have it on its own account so we have Wicker guide com we’re gonna click on submit and what youwant to do is click on the public HTML so we’re gonna click on public HTML and right now we’re looking at our websiteessentially for wicker guide.com so these are all of our website files so wecan actually take this wp-config-sample.php website doesn’tactually need so we’re just gonna confirm and delete this usually when you install WordPress they’re gonna install that sampleas well and what we want to do is open our wp-config.php file so we’re gonnaclick on this file and we’re gonna click on edit and we’re gonna click on edit again so I scroll down just a little bitin my WP config file and right beneath is to find WB callate so the database callate type so what we’re gonna do iscome down here and we’re gonna paste this code define WP memory limit and instead of 96 we’re just going to changethis to 128 so now what we’re doing is we’re changing our WordPress memory limit to 128 megabytes so that’s gonnaallow us to make sure we’re adding products and we don’t have to deal with downtime to our website so we’re gonna click on Save Changesokay so success our file has been saved so now we can get rid of these pages we’re gonna exit out of both of them wecan exit out of our Bluehost account and what we can do is we’re gonna come back over so right now you see current memorylimit 40 megabytes and now we can just dismiss this notice so we have it all set up properly so we don’t need toworry about that notice anymore now a few different things we can do at this point one thing I can do is just come over to my website and customize the wayit looks but what I want to show you is adding products so that’s the main portion of this video so what we’regonna do here is we’re gonna come back over to our back-end and we’re gonna come down here and we’re gonna go to products and we’re gonna go tocategories so before you add products I recommend creating your categories usually what I’ll do is I’ll create onecategory at a time and then I’ll add products to each of those different categories right now it’s saying welcome to WooCommerce set up your store andstart selling since my store is specifically just an external affiliate store where if people click on my linksthey’re gonna go directly to Amazon I’m gonna skip set up so I don’t have to worry about setup at this point I’mgonna be importing all of my different products as external affiliate products which I’ll show you as we go so you cansee here out of your first product personalize your store set up tax set up payments so the way this actually worksis we don’t have to set up tax we don’t have to set up payments all payments are gonna be processed directly throughAmazon all returns are gonna be processed through Amazon our main goal is just a drive clicks to Amazon soessentially the main thing that we need to do is create a website with wicker furniture all sorts of wicker productsand make it as easy to use as possible so when people are searching for wicker products when people use social mediaand they have an interest in liquor products where to drive them to our website and ultimately get them to click through toour affiliates when they purchase something we make revenue so that’s really the goal for these types ofwebsites so we’re not gonna come in to WooCommerce right now we’re gonna go back to products and categories and whatyou’re gonna see here is you’re automatically gonna have this uncatted eyes category created so you don’t really need to worry about this categorywe can just go and create brand new categories so what I can start with is something like wicker furniture I coulddo wicker baskets this is where your keyword research is gonna come into play now I’m gonna do a completely separatevideo on search engine optimization the other thing that I want to mention is I went over plugins I’m gonna do acompletely separate video about installing and configuring all of the plugins so because this is just gonna besuch a long video to begin with I really want to show people how to set up the website how to import products and thenI’m gonna go through every little detail as we continue to go so there will be multiple portions to this video andmaybe a scent eventually I’ll do a complete course of building a website like this and it’s gonna end up beingfour or five hours long just because it does take a lot of time to create these types of websites but what we’re gonnado is we’re gonna start creating our product categories so what I’m gonna start with is just wicker furniture andwe’re gonna do wicker furniture we’ll scroll down we want to write a description here so what I’ll do is justsomething like okay so this is a good description for now discover the top rated indoor wicker furniture andoutdoor wicker furniture for your home we absolutely love everything wicker @ wicker guide and you can find the best wicker material furniture for sale heredisplay type usually I’ll do both so that means that if there’s any products and sub categories within this categorywhich there will be subcategories plenty of them so I want to make sure they’re both listed and you can keep it yourdefault display type as both for every single category that’s usually the way that I set it up now parent category soI’m gonna go through this as we create our next category but what you’re gonna see is you can set a parent category asyou’re creating new ones so if within wicker furniture you have indoor wicker furniture outdoor wicker furniture wicker chairs wicker seating and theneventually wicker rocking chairs which is what I’m eventually gonna get to that’s where you want to set up some parent categories and then some childcategories so this will be a parent category and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna upload our thumbnail so whenpeople ask me where they can use thumbnails from which images they can use you don’t have any issues with using images directly fromAmazon since you’re sending traffic directly to the Amazon Web site and you have some of these different products onyour website they’re driving sales for these companies so these companies don’t have a problem with you using their images as your product category imagesor any of these images on your website because you are going to be sending people directly to these products sowhat I can do is say I want to take a product like this for wicker furniture so whatever you use to edit images wecan just take this image we’ll copy it and I’m gonna open up Microsoft Paint and then what we can do is come here andpaste it so you can see it’s already a square image so since it’s a square image it’s 1500 by 1500 is the size ofthe image so I might be getting cut off here but you can see 1500 by 1500 I’ll just come to image I’ll resize it andwe’ll just do 325 so usually I’ll just do 325 pixels by 325 pixels so that allmy images are the same size so we can zoom in here a little bit and all I’m gonna do is save this image as wickerfurniture so I wanna make sure all my image names match exactly the categories that I’m creating so we’re gonna comehere to file and we’re gonna save this now we can do is come back over here to thumbnail and we’re gonna upload our image here okay so we have our firstimage uploaded and what I’ll do is I’ll just take this title we’ll copy it and we’ll paste it here in the alt textfield okay so now we’re gonna use this image so now we have this category created so that’s exactly how I createcategories so what we can do is click on add new category and we’re immediately gonna have a product category here so you cansee wicker furniture we have the description here so it’s being cut off just because my page isn’t fullyexpanded right now so we have wicker furniture so now we want to do is add some different subcategories so what Ithink I’m gonna do for my categories is we’re gonna start with wicker furniture so a lot of different subcategories aregonna be within this category and I’m just gonna do wicker chairs and then within wicker chairs is gonna be things like wicker dining chairs wicker rockingchairs wicker lounge chairs so we’re gonna have all of those different subcategories so essentially what I haveto do is create two more categories now so I’m gonna kind of fast-forward through this a little bit and we’re gonna pick it up when I’m creating thewicker rocking chairs category okay so as you can see here we’ve added our wicker furniture category you’re gonnasee this – right here wicker chairs so that means it’s a subcategory of wicker furniture so whenyou’re creating your new categories and you’re creating subcategories you do it just like a standard category but righthere you’re gonna click on this drop-down and you want to select so we have wicker rocking chairs is going to be a subcategory of wicker chairs whichis a subcategory of wicker furniture so we’re gonna click right on our parent category and all we need to do is setour description we have the name here we have the URL we keep coming down we uploaded our thumbnail so we can add ournew category here so it’s gonna put that new category right onto our list and now we’re able to start importing productsfor wicker rocking chairs so we’re gonna come over to Amazon we’re gonna open up our page we’ve had open for a while withwicker rocking chairs but what we’re gonna have to do since we just created new categories for our website is refresh the page okay so youcan see here we have the product that we want to import directly to our website so all we need to do is come up here click right here to open up thecategories and it’s gonna say Auto detect categories from Amazon you need to always set your categories first soyou want to set your category to wicker rocking chairs we’re gonna click on clothes right here and we’re gonna clickto import this product now right now it’s importing you’re seeing product was successfully added into the databasewith ID 13 click here to view the product so we’re gonna view the product it’s gonna open up the page directly onour website best choice products outdoor wicker rocking chair for patio porch deck with weather resistant cushions redso you can see it imported these different images so the way we have this set up right now and we’re gonna switchthis right now but what you’re gonna see is we’re gonna come down if we click on Add to Cart what its gonna do is it’sactually gonna add this product to our cart this is not how I like to set up my websites so you can set your websites upthis way I’m not stopping you from doing that but what I would recommend doing is we’re gonna come back over to so for nowwe’re just gonna get rid of this out of our cart so what we want to do is come in to the backend of our website we’re going back to the Woo’s own plugin soyou’re gonna click on Woo’s own you’re gonna click on config so for Amazon configuration and you’re gonna come over here to plug-in setup and you want tomake sure double check triple check that you’re on site car is set to no so we’re gonna set this to no and what we’regonna do is we’re going to scroll down and we’re gonna save the settings and make sure that these settings completely say okay so now what we’re gonna do we haveour options updated successfully we’re gonna come up to the top here and we’re gonna go over and just make sure underAmazon setup so we’re gonna go back to Amazon setup just make sure as we scroll down that your affiliate ID is righthere so I have my United States affiliate ID Wicker o 720 and you wantto come down and save that as well so to make sure you have the right affiliate ID so now we’re gonna do is we’re gonnaopen up our product page again so we’re gonna come back over we’re in our dashboard so to find the products thatyou publish you’re gonna see you a post here this is for all of your blog posts you have pages here this is for all ofyour static pages and now we’re gonna do is come over to products click on all products and if we scroll down you cansee we have our one product that we’ve imported so far we’re gonna click on View so we’re gonna get gonna view it anopen link in new tab so now we have the product open here and now you can see as we scroll down so it’s saying UnitedStates available so we’re gonna click on buy product so when we click on buy product you can see it’s sending peopleto Amazon and it has our tag here wicker o 720 now it should open in a new tabthat’s something that I’m gonna go back and fix but you can see here every time someone clicks on one of those links andthey go to this page whether they purchase this rocking chair maybe they just go through Amazon and purchase whatever else they purchased throughAmazon there we’re gonna get a cut a commission for every single sale that we drive so even if someone comes here andthey add 10 different things to their car or they add 15 of these rocking chairs to their cart maybe they’re buying them for a hotel or a resort orsomething like that you’re gonna get credit for all of those different products that you sell and you’re gonna import all of your products with this Wzone direct import plug-in you can see once you import a product you’re gonna get this notice here duplicate productdetected and this will be the product ID that we have so it’s already imported so it won’t let us import it again if youtry to import it again let’s just come here make sure we have the right category and you try to import it it’sjust gonna give you an error message product it’s already import it already exists in the database so if you have that you can’t import the same productmultiple times so generally what I’ll do when I am adding products is I’ll just come in to Amazon will go back to alldepartments will just search right here wicker rocking chair and then I’ll lookat all the different rocking chairs and let’s just say I want to add one to my website now one issue you might run into so for this one I can’tadd it to the website because there’s no price so you’re gonna see available from these sellers if there’s no price here Ican’t import this product to my website so even though this is perfect for my website I cannot import it so we’re gonna goback and what I’ll usually do is I’ll open up a bunch of different products so we’ll take this one right here we’llopen it we’ll take these right here we’ll open it and we’ll just keep doing that opening all these differentproducts here and then what you can do is after you import a rocking-chair and we come up here with where to importand we click on this import in category it’s gonna automatically opt to the category we’ve been adding products toso I click on clothes I click on this product to import it product was successfully added into my database withID 20 so we can view the product but I’m gonna click on close so we’re gonna come back over here so we have this productright here so I can come here again you don’t have to check this every time but I’m just showing you it’s gonna keepopening every single product page we open with Rick wicker rocking chairs or any type of product it’s gonna show thiscategory so every time we’re importing products with what I’ll do is I’ll take a specific category and add as many aspossible into that category at once usually I try to get over a hundred if I can sometimes it’s just 25 to 50 reallydepends how many products Amazon has that I think are good enough for my website so we’ll click on clothes andwe’re gonna import this product here and now you can see we have three different products successfully added to our website so if we come back over to ourwebsite again so we’re just gonna come right here we’re gonna visit the website and right now it’s really hard to findour shop so we’re gonna have to assign a menu but all you have to do is go to wicker guide calm and we’ll do slashshop and you can see our three different products here so when people do click on these different products so let’s justsay we’re clicking on this new one here so we have this imported it’s saying not available in the United States but if weclick on buy product and we go through looks like it’s available right now so that’s another thing that I’m gonna get rid of so I went through all these wzone config you’re gonna see duplicate product detect it up here so what I’m gonna do is we’re gonna come back over here and we’re just gonna go throughthem again because I just want to make sure I have it all set up properly so on site cart is no okay so a few of thesethat I change so show coupon I usually set to no this is no no for checkout emailswe’ll set to know so we’ll keep scrolling down here these are set to yesI usually do redirect in one second keep scrolling down activate product availability by country box so that’sthe box that I just showed you for this sometimes you know so product availability by country saying beforeAdd to Cart button so that’s fine so we have this set to no I don’t want this to be shown show country flag on cart pagewe’re gonna do no country flags as links no keep scrolling down show availabilityicon so this right now is set to yes activate product price disclaimer so I’m gonna actually increase this to one so Iactually thought I set that previously but it must have not said it date format I usually do month day and year and thenwe’re gonna save these settings again okay so we have options updated successfully so now the other thing Iwant to do is make sure that all these are opening in a brand new tab so over here with product by button with customtasks I’m just gonna do learn more so usually that’s how I do I’ve seen other websites that do something like Buy Nowon Amazon so you can test both of those things there’s really nothing wrong with testing them that’s something I’mactually gonna test in my website so take a week with Buy Now on Amazon see how my conversion rates look and how myoverall revenue looks but for custom text we’re gonna come over here and just to learn more and then open in and we’regonna do new tab so I like to open it in a new tab so if someone does click on a product and they want to go back to mywebsite they actually still have my website open so we’re gonna come down here again and we’re gonna click on save again so we’re gonna go back to ourproduct page so we’ll come over here to products all products and we’ll just open up this most recent one now onething you can do is if you want to shorten these titles a little bit you can use a bulk editing plugin so the one that I use is PW bulk edit it is apremium plug-in or you can just come in here and edit each of these individual products so if we click on the Edit Pageor you could just quick edit it and just edit this title so if I want this title to be shortened I can shorten this titleso we’re just gonna click on cancel for now and I’m gonna view this product but if you’re going in to edit it this is alittle bit easier so you can see we have this different product here so you’re looking at the visual you can look atthe text so the way the text looks it’s gonna start with the product gallery so we’re gonna keep scrolling down you cansee we have the way it looks so we have the title you can put a Meta Description in here it’s not required it does help with SEOif you’re adding them so these are all added as external affiliate products soyou’re gonna see product URL and then button text regular price so we actually have to install a different plug-in tochange all of our button text but we’ll do that in a little bit product short description so if we come over hereyou’re gonna see this is our products short description at the top we have learned more we increase the size ofthis Amazon price I do need to change this to a dollar sign I’ll show you how to do that in a minute keep scrollingdown so this is our full description here and then there’s related products down here at the bottom now we canadjust some of these different so the categories archives and meta we can adjust some of those things on whatactually shows on our website but if someone comes to this product page now they click on learn more opens in a newtab and you can see we have our tag wicker o 720 here so really the goal now is just to continue adding as manyproducts as possible and also adding blog posts so the best thing you can do to actually drive more organic searchtraffic to your website is create blog posts for your product style pages sowhat that means is if you have a product category for rocking chairs we want to create a blog post about wicker rockingchairs and then I want to list every single product so the way to do that is to come over and we’re gonna go back toour dashboard we’re gonna scroll down here to plugins and we’re gonna go to add new and the plug-in that we’re gonnaadd here is gonna be called WooCommerce short codes so we’re gonna do that one we’re gonna click on enterokay so we’ll commerce short codes we’re gonna install now and we’re gonna activate it okay so we got this plug-inactivated okay so if we scroll down here you’re gonna see bloomers short codes so we have this plug-in installed now so ifyou’re not familiar with short codes what they allow you to do is list specific products list products from acategory so there’s a lot of different things you can do with short codes so what I would recommend doing is going directly to Google and just searchingbucum or short codes or finding this URL in the video description so it’s docks that WooCommerce com slash documentslash WooCommerce short codes these are all the different short codes you can use so if you come over here to theright-hand side they have how to use them Page products product categories productpage related products Add to Cart so there’s a lot of different things you can do with sure codes the main thing that I generally dois if we come back over and let’s just say I’m adding a new blog post so I’m coming over to my list a blog post sowe’ll go to posts and all posts here and you can see we have hello world here so what we can do now is click on trashokay so let’s just say we want to add a new blog post so we’re gonna click on add new here okay so we’re using editor you can usethe UX builder so it really depends on what you’re more comfortable using I just prefer to use the classic editor sothat’s what I’m gonna continue to use so we’re gonna click on X here we’re gonna click on okay we’re just gonna use the classic editor and what I’m in is thetext portion right here so usually when I’m creating a blog post based on a product category we’ll come over here toadd title and we’ll just do best wicker rocking chairs for sale now the way wecommerce shortcodes work is you have an opening bracket usually and what you want to do is products category equalsand we’re gonna do two quotes we’re gonna do columns equal three and we’regonna do limit equals and you just want to set a limit for how many products you want to show here so for example if youhave a product category with 500 different products you only want to show 300 of them then you just set a limithere of how many products you want to show from that category you can also do order by equals price and then orderequals descending so if you do something like this essentially what you’re saying is once we set our product category herewhich I’ll show you in a minute you’re saying you want to list products with three columns a total of 300 youyou want to order the products by price and you want their price to be ordered descending so from high to low so tofind the product category what you’re gonna do is go to products and open up categories here so if we come over now once we have ourlist of product categories here the way that I find the actual product category ID is I scroll over the product categoryand what I do is I scroll over this edit portion and you’re gonna see at the very bottom of the page it’s gonna show upreally at the bottom down here so at the very very bottom so once we scroll over here you’re gonna see it has taxonomyequals product cat and tag ID equals eighteen so there’s a number at the very bottom of the screen tag ID equalseighteen that is the product category ID for wicker rocking chairs if we go over wicker chairs and we scroll over editthe tag ID is 17 if we go to wicker furniture the tag ID is 16 so that’s howI find product category IDs for some reason they don’t really list them in the table if you open up to edit or viewthe product category it’s pretty hard to find so this is the way that I always find them it’s just in the URL at thevery bottom so if you look down here right now at the bottom of the page you’re gonna see tag ID equals 18 sowhat we do is we’re gonna come back over to our blog post we have our products category equals 18 and we can actuallyset some of our content here so we’ll just do sample content here want to adjust our URLs make them look a littlebit better here so usually what I’ll do is just wicker rocking chairs this is getting my main page where I’m listeningthe top-rated wicker rocking chairs for sale now the way I do my product pages is eventually I’m gonna add someproducts from other affiliates as well so I’ll usually work with Wayfair on everything home decor home furniture andwhat I have what I can do is add a bunch of different wicker rocking chairs from Wayfarer and then I have all my productsfor sale from Amazon so I essentially create a huge guide of wicker rocking chairs and it’s all gonna be affiliateproducts so I don’t have to worry about stocking or shipping or for turns or anything like that this is why I preferto set up websites like this because I could really just focus on the marketing side and the content side andessentially growing my traffic through search engines and from social media so if we click here unpublish it’s gonnacreate our first blog post now I want to adjust the URLs I don’t like the dates being in the URL here so we’re gonnacome down before we even look at our blog posts before I forget to do this let’s come to settings and go to permalinks and you’re gonna see thecommon settings here so it’s gonna have this with the date and then the sample post at the very end we’re just gonna docustom structure and all we’re gonna do is post name so we’re gonna take all this away and we’re just gonna do postsname here so there’s no dates or anything in the URLs it’s just gonna be wicker guy.com slash wicker rockingchairs so if we come down and you can do the same exact thing for your shop so you can see here a product categoryproduct tag so what we can do is we can actually shorten these for thecategories as well so maybe what I’ll do is I’ll just do cat and we’ll just do keep this asproduct tag and then for category base we’ll just do cat for tag base what is to tag okay so that’s good right thereso you can see here with product permalinks we just have it set up as a custom base so it’s just gonna beproduct here we can also do it with the category but I just prefer to do the custom base and we can click on SaveChanges okay so you definitely want to set up your permalinks in the very beginning because when you do change abunch of different URLs at once it could mess with your search engine optimization since this is a brand newwebsite since this is really my first piece of content the first products that I’m adding it’s not gonna have really any impact on my website if I were to dothis right now with beachfront decor com it would probably really hurt my search engine optimization traffic for a littlebit while Google has to update all these new URLs you’re gonna have a ton of old URLs that are indexed that are giving404 errors because there’s nothing at those URLs so these URLs are showing where to find this content on the backend of our website so now if we come over here we’re going back to our product categories first let’s just saywe open up our wicker furniture page we click on View ok so you can see up here wicker guide.com product cat wickerfurniture so you can see we have our first category in here we have some of our different products for sale in herenow the other thing we can do we’re gonna come back over to our home page and right on our homepage you can see best wicker rocking chairs for sales sowe’re gonna click on this and you can see since we’re using that shortcode you can see we have our products here andpeople can click through these different product pages and you can also see our link at the top as just wicker guide.comslash wicker rocking chairs so you want to set up your permalinks in the very beginning it’s probably something Ishould have done as we saw it set up the website but if you do it right now there’s really no problem with that it’snot going to mess up any of the different pages that we have on our website so if we come back over here to our blog posts you can see we have ourfirst blog post published best wicker rocking chairs for sale obviously you want to add more content to that page soas I continue to work on that page and improve it we can continue to add some content here what I want to show younext is we’re just gonna come directly to our home page and we’re gonna go to customize so under customize what wewant to do is just adjust some of these different settings here and let’s start at the very top so add anything here orjust remove it so if we come over here to head and you look at it you can see right here HTML one is the add anything hereor remove it our logo is right here you can see search icon so that’s the search icon main menu so this is our main menuhere account and cart page so the first thing I want to do is get rid of this my account and the cart page because Idon’t really want people to access at either of those pages so we’re not gonna show label so that’s gonna get rid ofthe page up here so now we’re gonna click on cart do the same exact thing so we’re gonna scroll down show car totalsshow cart title so we’re not gonna show any of that so for cart down here we’ll do get ridof show cart totals get rid of show cart title but the other thing we can do is if you just come over here to the headerbuilder for flotsam is you can take this account link right here and just put it down at the bottom you can take thisdivider put it down to the bottom and you can take the cart link and put it down to the bottom as well so that’s gonna get rid of all of those up at thetop right corner and now we can do is maybe change our logo we can update this right here so HTML one so that’s whereit says add anything here or just remove it so I can just come over here at HTML one and just remove it altogether nowyou might want to leave that there maybe you want to do something like shop our best deals or something along those lines but what we can also do is youhave top bar menu up here so you might want to set a menu specifically for your top bar you probably want to set a menuhere as well now you have newsletter and social icons I’m just gonna leave those up here for now what you can do is ifyou click on social icons all you need to do is update these URLs so once you have a Facebook page a Twitter page aPinterest page you just come in here enter the URL and then when people visit your website they can click through tosome of these different pages and find you on social media they can click for your newsletter and sign up for yournewsletter so you can set all that up very easily I usually set it up with the search icon right here we have our logoso we’ll come down here we’re gonna click on logo and what you can see is we have our logo image so I’m gonna removethis I created a basic logo for right now you can also just remove it and it’s just gonna have some text here which isfine but I’m gonna upload a new logo so I’m gonna select the image okay so I uploaded my logo here as you can see inour media library every time you import a product it’s gonna actually download those images directly to your website sothat’s why I recommend using dedicated web hosting because once you start adding a thousand products you’re gonna haveof images you need to store for your website so you really need good hosting to host this type of website so if wecome over here you can see I have a logo that I’ve created so it’s four hundred by eighty four pixels we have our titlewe’ll enter that as the alt text here as well we’re gonna click on select okay so we have our new logo up herenot the greatest logo in the world I’m still gonna end up getting a brand new logo it actually cut off the top portiona little bit so maybe I can re-upload this but for right now we have our little logo at the top so we can clickon close so anytime you make changes in here you have to click on publish so what we’re gonna do is click on publishso let’s come back out of this and we’re gonna sign a menu and I’m gonna do a couple other things in the backend forthe website so we’re gonna click on the X up here so anytime you want to get into the portion you just saw me in youjust want to click on customize that’s gonna allow you to customize everything that’s happening on your website which I’ll show you in a minute but what wewant to do is we’re gonna come back here to dashboard and the next thing I want to do is it’s keep showing these messageup messages up at the top here you need to install default root Commerce Page cart page and checkout page so all youneed to do is go to pages here go to all pages or just add new so if we click on add new here we’re just gonna come inhere and we’re just gonna do cart and we’ll click on publish and we’re gonna add new again and we’re gonna docheckout and we’re gonna click on publish okay so now let’s go to all pages here so one of the main pages itinstalls automatically is this sample page so what we can do is just edit this and just change the name to home sowe’re just gonna come over here and do home and we’re gonna come over here just do home and we’re gonna click on okayget rid of all this content here so this is just showing you paragraphs quotes different things that you can add butyou don’t really need to worry about that right now so we have home we’re just gonna click on update okay we’re gonna go back to all pages again and thenext page we’re gonna add is blog so we’re gonna click on add new again and we’re gonna set this as blog okay so wehave our pages set up so we’re gonna click on publish the other page you probably want to add is an affiliatedisclaimer so I’ll go over that in a little bit we have our privacy policy here you want to add one of those aswell you can use a free privacy policy generator just enter your brand names and they’re gonna automatically show aprivacy policy that you can publish to your website so what I’m going to do next is we’re gonna come over here tosettings and we’re gonna go to reading under it’s gonna say your homepage displays your latest posts so right now ourhomepage is just our latest posts what I’d rather do is use a static page underhere for homepage we’re gonna select home for post page we’re gonna select blog so that’s gonna turn our blog pageinto essentially a blog that’s gonna show right now it’s showing 10 posts syndication feeds show the most recent10 posts so for each post in a feed include full text I usually just do summary and we’ll click on Save Changesso essentially what this does is if we come back over here we visit our website it’s gonna give us a a home page sincewe have no content for our home page it’s just empty right now and if we come over here and we go to blog it’s gonnashow our blog all of our blog posts so right now it’s just best wicker rocking chairs for sale as we create more blogposts I’ll show up here in the list ok so what we’re gonna do is come back to our back end again we’re gonna go toWooCommerce so we’re gonna hover over WooCommerce and come down here to settings so first thing it’s showingstore address so for country State what I’m gonna do is just switch this to United States and you can set your statehere so I currently live in South Carolina so we’re just gonna set this to South Carolina sell to all countries ship to allcountries you sell to we’re just gonna leave that as is you can enable the use of coupons if you want I’m gonna uncheckthis currency what we’re gonna do is the United States dollar so you can scroll down towards the bottom of the listwe’re into United States dollar currency position left thousand separator is a comma decimal separator is a periodnumber of decimals is two we’re gonna click on Save Changes so that’s the first change I want to make just to make sure I have US dollar showing as thedollar amount that everything costs and then the next thing that we’re gonna do is we’re gonna come over here to products so we’re gonna click on theproducts tab and then it’s gonna show shop page so from here we want to select our shop page so right now we don’t havea shop page set up so we have to go back to our pages and create a new one so we’re gonna do the same thing that wejust did just do shop ok so shop that’s gonna be the next page that we create click on publish ok so we’re gonna comeback over here we’re gonna need to refresh this page okay and our shop page here now it should come up so we haveshop so everything else looks good right here we’re gonna click on Save Changes ok so now the next thing we want to dois come to advanced so this is how we get rid of these two messages right here again you can do this stuff right away so if we come over here to cart pageselect the page cart checkout page select a page checkout you can do something for my account terms andconditions I’ll eventually set up usually I’ll do a terms and conditions affiliate disclaimer and a privacypolicy you just want to make sure you set all those things up but we’re gonna come down here to Save Changes and now those two messages should go awaysettings have been saved it’s saying our cart page does not contain the shortcode that’s fine we will dismiss both thesenotices I wouldn’t worry about that okay so from here what we’re now ready to do is we’re gonna come over to appearanceand we’re gonna go to menus so you want to make sure you’re setting up menus because it makes your website much easier to use if people can go througheach individual menu so we’re gonna create a new menu and let’s just say main menu create and we’ll just gonnakeep it really simple for right now so what we can do we have main menu it’s gonna say display location so there’smain menu main menu mobile footer menu top bar menu and my account menu ifyou’re not sure what any of these are what you can do is again go to appearance and customize and it’ll showyou where each of those menus show up so to keep things really simple what we’ll do is we’re gonna come to our pages andwe’ll just do view all so under pages we’re gonna do view all will do home we’ll do blog and we’ll do shop andwe’re gonna add all these three to our menu okay so this is the way our menu looks right now so now the other thingwe can do is if you come here to categories any categories that you’ve created WooCommerce endpoints so thatyou can add some of these here you can also just add custom links if you want to you can add individual blog posts toit what I’ll do is I’ll set up a couple custom links you can also install plugins to make sure you have all ofyour WooCommerce product categories listed here so one of the plugins that I usually use is Maxx mega menu I’m notgonna go through that right now but you can add all of your shops subcategory pages so let’s just use custom links forright now and let’s just say link text wicker furniture I would highly recommend using the actual built in menuitems so you can have all of your WooCommerce categories showing up here on the left hand side and just add themdirectly to your menu it’s much easier that way than using custom links but for now custom links are going to do thetrick so if we come over here to our product categories we’ll click on View copy link address come over here enterthat URL so we have our product category URL add to menu now what you want to do ismake sure you take this and put it as a child under shop and then what we can do is wicker chairs okay so we added wickerchairs here so we added that as a child to wicker furniture and wicker furniture as a child to shop so we’re gonna addwicker rocking chairs next so we’ll do wicker rocking chairs copy the link address for this product category comeback over here enter the URL add it to our menu and we’re gonna add this just like that so now we have a few differentcategories here under shop we can click on save menu you can add more to your menu but what we’re gonna do is we’regonna come back over to our website so we’ll just come here visit website we’re gonna look at it and right now it’sshowing this menu is still not assigned so we’re gonna come back over and what we need to do is add this to our mainmenu to our main menu for mobile and we’ll do it for our top our menu we’ll click on save okay so now it has beenupdated we’ll come back over to our website we’re gonna refresh the page and now you can see we have a menu up at thetop here if we go to shop you can see wicker furniture wicker chairs wicker rocking chairs so I prefer to use themax mega menu because it’s gonna look a lot better but here our top bar menu you can see we also have this up here aswell home blog and shop now for our footer menu we don’t actually have it showing down here so that’s somethingwe’re gonna have to go to customize to customize and add to our website now the one thing I want to show you in thecustomize portion is if we come over here we’re gonna go to our blog we’re gonna click on the best wicker rockingchairs for sale so when someone comes into one of my blog posts and they see all these products here you can seeright now they can click through these each individual products but what I like to do is I’m gonna come over here tocustomize and we’re gonna come over here to WooCommerce so if they come over to WooCommerce first things first is storenoticed not gonna have any store notice here so we’re just gonna get rid of this for right now okay come back hereproduct catalog so this is how our product shop pages with the individual category pages are gonna look so beforeanyone clicks on a product when you have a listing of products it’s essentially called your product catalog so on theshop page what I want to show our categories and products on the category display what I want to show oursubcategories and products so that’s what I prefer to do because then it’s gonna show this category page here when I click onwicker furniture it’ll show the wicker chairs subcategory so people can easily find all the different subcategories onmy website so that’s first things first we’re gonna keep coming down and now with the catalog layout you’re gonna seehere on the left-hand side you can either do no sidebar so with no sidebar it’s just gonna list your productcategories and your products for sale you can do a left sidebar a right sidebar or you can do an off canvas thatallows people to click on essentially a menu that’s gonna be at the top so I’m just gonna keep it as left sidebar Ilike to use the list style you can use this type of style as well so it’ll have lists like this I just prefer to usethis like a grid you can also do a grid like this with different sizes so I’m just gonna keep it as a list stylescroll down products per page usual increase this a lot so I’ll increase itto 48 per No so I prefer to have pages with a lot of products on them and a lot of times I’ll even increase the amountof products per page products per row desktop three per row tablet three andper row mobile two so we’re gonna keep that as is keep coming down so under title style so right now it’s notshowing the title at all so if I click on show title it’s gonna show shop up here at the top we can click on this andsee how this looks so it looks a little bit different so we could use this we can change all these colors as well I’llshow you how to do that so let’s just keep it like that we’ll show the title show home link in breadcrumbs so that’sright here so we have home and shop and then featured image as background I just have this but there’s no featured imageset so we’ll keep coming down breadcrumbs so this home and shop is your breadcrumbs so breadcrumbs size youcan change the size here we can do bread crumb case uppercase or normal so I’m just going to leave this as is next isgonna be category box styles that’s this right here I like to personally use this category box so this is my favoritestyle but let’s just say we choose this right here then wicker furniture is going to go to the bottom of the pictureif we choose this right here it’s gonna go towards the bottom and it’s gonna be a little square like that so whateveryou’re most comfortable with that’s what you want to select I personally like to use this one right here it’s just amatter of preference keep coming down next is going to be product box so what you’re gonna see is we’relooking at this right here it’s product and price I like to Center it so it’s gonna be Saturn underneath eachindividual product so that’s how I prefer to do it so product image hover style I usually just leave this as isyou can go through all these different options here but I just usually leave it as back image fade in so we’re gonnakeep scrolling down Add to Cart button so I do like to use the Add to Cart button and then I’m gonna use this righthere so we’re gonna do this over on the right hand side and what that’s gonna do is it’s gonna add a learn more button atthe bottom of our products so button style you can adjust that if you want to so this is exactly how I like to do itand we’re gonna click on publish the reason why I’d like to do it like this is because if we come back over to ourblog and when I have my listing of different products for sales so we have our best wicker rocking chairs for salepeople can easily just click on that learn more button right here and go directly to Amazon so it won’t let meclick while I’m in this customize section so we’ll just come over here and we’re gonna click on learn more it’s gonna open up that Amazon product thishelps drive a lot more clicks by using that exact style so when you’re creating blog posts that’s what I would recommenddoing is using these product categories short descriptions and one of my favorite things to do is let’s just sayI create a blog post which is essentially just gonna be a page wicker furniture for sale I can do differentsubcategories I can do different products for sale in addition to all the different texts that I have of my pageand that’s gonna help my pages rank in Google in other search engines and that’s really how you’re gonna drive themajority of your traffic so that’s ultimately gonna be your goal now the next thing I want to go over is changingthe color scheme here so if we come back over we went through WooCommerce a little bit you can adjust the way yourproduct pages look your payments icons your product images checkout cart myaccount you can adjust all of these different types of things with the flat ‘some theme and really with anythingthat you’re using so what we’re gonna just next is style so we’re gonna click on style here and you’re gonna see colors global Styles typography customCSS and image lightbox so with colors here you can see primary secondary success alertso with primary colors let’s change this and let’s do something more closer to a brown so we’ll just select this colorright here so that’s gonna change this color up at the very top we can do a dark Brown here to make sure it closelymatches our logo so wicker guide so this will be essentially one of our main colors and you can see our buttons aregonna change colors the quick view is gonna change colors so your primary color can change very easily by justcoming right into colors so secondary color let’s make it a little bit darker so we’ll do this right here successcolor and alert color we’ll just leave as is but you can adjust your colors and this is something you can test as wellso maybe you want to try a brown color since a wicker furniture is I would say the main color that they have is brownthen that’s the color that I want to use so if we keep coming down you can also do for your text so we can see samplecontent here so for this text let’s just say I want to choose black text it’s gonna change this color to black so Iprefer to just use black text you can also just do a dark grey so it just depends on matter of preference againheadline color so coming up here this is our headline so I can change my headline color to really anything I want to solet’s just select red for now it doesn’t look good at all but you can change it to that maybe what I want to do is usethe same as my primary color so we’ll just come in here copy come down to our headline color and we’ll paste it seehow that looks and it’s not too bad so we’ll just leave that okay so divider color so you can adjusta specific divider color so this is what a divider looks like so usually for this I’ll just do something like dark graywe’ll just leave it as black for now so okay so link colors hover widget link colors so all of these you can adjustall of these different colors here so right now I’m gonna leave everything as is I think it looks okay so we’re gonnaclick on publish so that’ll change our color scheme up a little bit and I’d like to change my color scheme to make sure that my colorslook the way I want them to you can change your link color so this is a link right here so I can change my link colorto let’s just look at something a little different and now it’s a little bit more blue so we’ll do that as my link coverand for hover it’s gonna be black so we’ll publish this and I think that looks good for right now again we can always change all thesethings but for right now I like the way this looks so we’ll come back we’ll click on back here you can adjust theway your blog looks for all these customized options here so I would just recommend going through each of theseindividual options under the customize when you’re customizing the way your website looks right now our website looks pretty good so if we comeback to our home page we really have nothing on our homepage yet so let’s just show adding some different productcategories to our homepage and maybe we can add some different things here to make it look a little bit better sowe’ll click on the X we’re back at our home page now so let’s just come here and do edit page so the first thing wewant to do is if we scroll down here we have Yoast SEO so this is what our current title and Meta Description looks like so this is where some keywordresearch will come in handy again I’m going to do a follow-up video for search engine optimization and essentially gothrough my SEO tutorial for this website and how I plan on growing this website with organic search traffic but what Irecommend doing first is we have our site title here wicker guide so I’m just gonna get rid of the entire SEO titlehere and what we’re gonna do is wicker guide and we’ll do find wicker furniturewicker baskets and more or we’ll do allright perfect fine wicker furniture wicker baskets and everything wicker so I think that’s a good one we do have the word wicker inthere a lot but that’s fine so the slug refers to your URL slug so for this it’s just our home page and then metadescription what you want to do with your meta description is really go over some of the main things your website’s gonna be about so for me it’s gonna bewicker furniture and it’s gonna be wicker baskets so we’ll come in here to the meta description and we’ll dosomething like case we have discovered the top rated wicker furniture sets and wicker baskets for your home we have allsorts of wicker products for sale on our shop at wicker Guide okay so that’s good for right now so you want to set yourtitle tag and your meta description first for your home page make sure it looks good so when people do look upyour website in search results or people are searching wicker type keywords it gives your website a better chance ofshowing up so we’re gonna come up to the top here we can enter some text we can enter maybe some product categories hereso let’s just do some product categories so let’s just do products underscorecategories IDs equal and the only three we have are 16 17 and 18 so that’s howyou’re gonna do it when you’re listing multiple product categories or products with their IDs so we’re just gonna doproduct categories IDs equals 16 17 and 18 we’ll come back over here we’ll just take our meta descriptionwe’re gonna copy it or come up here at the top and we’ll paste it there the other thing we’ll do is let’s just dookay so we’ll do this for right now so we have our header tag one welcome to wicker guide discover the top rated soessentially we just took our meta description and pasted it up here and we have wicker furniture and wicker basketsand then we have our products product category IDs 16 17 and 18 so we’re gonnaclick on update and we’ll see what our home page looks like so it’ll look a little bit better you want to continue to update your home page over time soyou can list some of your top blog posts so you can also list blog post IDs here and then also your WooCommerce productcategories so we’ll come over here look at our home page so there you go we have some different product categories herewicker chairs wicker furniture wicker rocking chairs I probably wouldn’t set it up exactly this way but this is agood starting point maybe we can just Center the entire post here but right now our website is looking a lot betterif someone clicks on shop over here they’re gonna be taken directly to our shop if someone clicks on blog they’llbe taken directly to our blog and overall it has the makings of a good website for now really the next thing weneed to do and the main thing you need to do to grow these types of websites it’s keep coming into your shop creating new categories and adding more and moreproducts to your shop so if you look at my websites beachfront decor and farmhouse kohls.com so for example I’ll just open upfarmhouse coals you can see we have our logo here we have a menu up at the top we have a today’s deal link we have asearch bar up at the top some advertisements on our website we have some Amazon affiliate ads this is ourhome page here so farmhouse decor store all of the main categories and then wehave some of our subcategories that were broken down so far mounts the Corso bathroom Christmas dining room farmhousedesign inspiration so kitchen living room modern so this is something I actually need to add more pages tofarmhouse sinks so usually your home page should just act as a way for people to find all the main categories on yourwebsite some of the top blog posts if we keep coming down we have furniture if we keep coming down we have wall decor wehave Christmas decor so if we come up to the top here and we go to shop you can see we have all of our dropdowns here soif someone goes to bedding and let’s just say someone goes to comforters so this actually cuts off a little bit too much so another thing I need to fixon this website but you want to make sure you focus on improving the way your website looks and the overall userexperience constantly I’m always finding issues with my websites with user experience and you just want to makesure you’re keeping them looking as good as possible but if we come to the shop home here for farmhouse goals and youcan see here just in the farmhouse bedding category we have seven hundred sixty-five products just in farmhouseChristmas decor we have six hundred thirty-four products these were all added using Amazon so adding opening upeach individual page we come in here to Christmas decor for example we’re gonna have all of our subcategories listed sowe have Garland’s ornaments pillows we have signs stockings tree skirts comedown some of the different products for sale people can come over here to the left hand side find some differentproducts filter by price look at all of our different product categories so you can continue to mess with all thesethings and you can probably end up creating a website that’s much better than mine but hopefully so far what I’vegiven you is you have a good starting point with getting set up with everything so right now for looking atwicker guide.com the main thing I really need to do is I need to order a better logo than this one but it’s fine for the time being Ineed to make sure that I’m adding more of these shop categories and really what you need to do is make sure you’readding as much content as possible so things like wicker rocking chairs and the other thing that I can do is somewicker design inspirations so maybe you know a hundred different outdoor wicker design inspirations for people to learnfrom so all these different things you want to create content on your website you want to add these products becauseit’s gonna help you drive revenue back to your Amazon affiliate account and anyof the affiliates that you’re working with okay so now as we get into the last portion of this video just a few thingsthat I want to go over before I finalize this Amazon affiliate marketing course the first thing is I want to look at thefee rates for Amazon the Associates Program so they’ve recently just dropped theirfee rates unfortunately so right now I’m in a three percent bracket for most of the products that I’m selling so you cansee home home improvement lawn and garden so ten percent for luxury beauty and Amazon coins five percent fordigital music physical music handmade digital videos so for some of these you’re really not getting a hugeCommission all other categories 4% a lot of them are gonna fall right into this 3% category and then some of these dropdown a little bit more even to 2.5% and 2% so Amazon at about the end of Aprilannounced April 2020 announced that they’re gonna be lowering their fee rates which obviously a lot ofaffiliates didn’t like because they kind of cut these in half even more so I was getting around 7% so basically overnightyour income gets cut in half that’s one reason why I recommend using other affiliate programs and it’s anotherreason that I also monetize my websites with Google Adsense and you can do a lot of testing to see what drives you thehighest amount of revenue but I just wanted to go over some of these free rates so you know if you’re in thiscategory which I am if I sell a $100 product I’m only getting 3% now keep inmind I don’t have to deal with returns I don’t have to deal with shipping I have to deal with holding inventory so Amazondoes all of that for me so all I have to do is drive clicks to Amazon so it’s still worth it in my opinion but itwould be nice at the fee rates were as high as they were about a month ago now the next thing is when you come into the back end of the affiliate program so forAmazon Associates so if I were to scroll down here you can see some of my orders you can see my revenue for yesterdaytoday I’m not really going to go through my revenue that I’m making in this video so the main thing you’re probably gonnalook at when you come into the your back end of the affiliate program for Amazon is your earnings reports you’re justgoing to come to reports go to earnings report you can see how many sales you have how many items you have been ordered today how many clicks you’vedriven so there’s a lot of information back in the reports and includes even look fee schedule payment historydownload reports and the feedback and help so with that being said I just want to go over a few of these things in thebackend for Amazon Associates so first is product linking so if you click here on product links it’s gonna open up apage that looks like this scroll down you can search for any product here so just go search all amazon.com keyword oryou can search by Aysen or ISBN if we keep coming down some of the best-selling products by categories youcan find some of the different products that people have been in very interested in so if I come down here and let’s just say I’m looking at home improvement Ican see what some of the top-selling products are by category and home improvement right now Coronagoing on so you’re gonna see a lot of face masks here so just some different things you can look at is coming in hereto product links under the product linking next is gonna be banners so if we go into banners what you can see isyou can find different promotional links based on what your website’s about so if we scroll down here so let’s just comedown here and we’ll click on home and garden so let’s just say I want to add some home and garden banners to my website all you have to do is click onthe category and then you can see they have all these different sizes here at the top so if you’re looking for a specific size that’s where you want tostart and then if you scroll down you’re gonna see some different advertisements usually that are geared around whichever category you click so up to 50% offevery day then they have new wind tunnels from Hoover so you’re gonna see a ton of different products here and youcan add these banners directly to your website so if you’re keeping up with all of the banners and let’s just say you update them on a weekly or a monthlybasis it’s a good way to drive additional sales for whatever category your website is in next if we come toproduct linking and we come down here to native shopping ads so native shopping ads and mobile pop over are two things Iuse very often so with native shopping ads what you can do is you’re gonna come in here and you’re gonna see nativeshopping ads create recommendation ads search ads or custom ads so what I generally do is I’ll createrecommendation ads and I’m just going to go through the overview here so if we click on recommendation ads they looklike this related products so there’s gonna be some related products just based on the content on your website forsearch ads which you can do is actually add a search bar and you can have some related products here as well so whenpeople do search in that search bar they’re gonna bring go to Amazon and it’s gonna allow people to purchase Amazon products after they use thissearch bar on your website so it’s a great way to drive additional Amazon revenue and then custom ads here so youcan create ads with specific products on them you could pretty much do whatever you want here so if I they have theexample here my favorite cameras for 2015 so I could say you know my 10 favorite wicker furniture sets orsomething along those lines and I can add 10 different products here and create what’s known as a custom ad so I do use the native shopping ads a lot sounder product linking native shopping ads I would definitely recommend checking that out once you’re trying to monetize your website mobile popover sowith the mobile popover if we come up here and you right here so someone starts scrolling on your website there’s a mobile ad atthe very bottom of the page you’ll find these on my websites for beachfront decor you’ll find it on my website forfarmhouse Kohl’s calm so if we scroll down here all you have to do is make sure you have the right tracking ID herefor all the different tracking IDs for any of the stores that you have and then you’re gonna have a JavaScript code hereso you’re gonna take this code so you can highlight it we’re gonna copy it and then all we would need to do is comeover and use that insert headers and footers plugin so the headers footers in post injections plug-in the same onethat we use to implement Google tag manager so if you’re using this plug-in and even if you’re not using thisplug-in what you want to do is before the close the body the closing tag right here you’re gonna add it to desktop andyou can add it to mobile you could just do mobile here because it’s a mobile popover so we could just do mobile butI’m gonna add it to desktop and mobile and we’re gonna click on save okay so now it’s that simple now I have thatmobile popover Amazon add on my website okay so we’re gonna come back up here to the top so with product linking whatwill pop over next is link to any page so if we open link to any page you’re gonna see here link to favoritedestinations link to search results link to any page so essentially you can just create links to any single page onAmazon so you can drive people to those pages with the purpose of them purchasing products through your Amazonaffiliate link so it’s just another option here it’s not something I really use all too often so next we’re gonnacome over to promotions so if we come to featured promotions here so any of the feature promotions Amazon’s running sohere’s a quick example get 20% off a new Kindle e-reader with trade-in get anAmazon gift card and 20% off they have all sorts of promotions here that you can use so if there’s any promotionsthat make sense for the people that are visiting your website maybe you talk about movies a lot you can say get up to $35 off a new fire TV device so if yousee any promotions here that would work well for the people that are visiting your website then you can add thosedirectly to your website okay coming back to the top here under promotions amazon bounty program so for the amazonbounty program if you drive people to amazon and they end up or they end up purchasing prime they sign up for musicunlimited prime video baby registry so for example you’re running a be website you get someone to go to Amazonand set up their baby registry directly through Amazon same thing with weddings every time you drive someone to do thatyou get a fixed rate so I don’t know the exact amount for each of them but it’s between three five and seven dollarsabout so if someone signs up for audible through your link you might just get an additional five dollars a month sodriving people for these different Amazon products they’re gonna give you a little cut it’s not recurringunfortunately so even though people sign up for Prime and renew probably every single year you’re only getting aone-time fee and I believe it’s about five dollars so they do have how much each individual bounty is but again it’snot a huge portion of my earnings and it’s just something that allows you to drive additional people to Amazonsigning up for their services just another way for you to earn revenue okay so come back up to the top here amazonpromo codes so you can actually put specific amazon promo codes so here’s some examples right here in the frontsave 50% on select all e times products so you can take this promo code getlinked and add it directly to your website again it’s not something I use really all too often but if you findpromo codes that work for your website visitors then they’re worth testing at the very leastnext is tools so sites ripe this is something that I use pretty often so if we open up site stripe what it is itappears the very top of the website so when you’re signed into your Amazon account you can actually just get textimage and text and image links for specific products so I open up an example page here and you can see here Ihave this household essentials wicker basket so if I want to link directly to this product I can click on text hereand you’re gonna see store ID so this is my store ID for Amazon Associates and myspecific tracking ID for wicker guide.com so I can take this link right here and link it on my website you can do imageso it’s just gonna be the image here you have small medium or large you can select from and take this code at thebottom add it directly to your website and then a popular one is text plus image so you’ve probably seen thesearound on the internet before on specific websites that do Amazon affiliate marketing and with this youget the Amazon logo you get the product image and then you also get the link here you get the price prime shop nowopen link into new tab show border so you can just take this code right here add it directly toyour website with the site stripe you can also come right here and go directly into earnings you can create nativeshopping ads for specific products you can share specific pages so there’s a lot you can do with site stripe and it’ssomething I use pretty often I used to use it more in the past especially if you’re linking directly to products orproduct pages it can be a great way to drive additional clicks and ultimately sales so coming back over here and wecome up to tools link checker so with link checker what you can actually do is check individual links just to make surethat the tagging for the URL is linking to Amazon and that the referral is going to be tracked back to your associated IDnot something I use very often again and one thing you can find is let’s just say we come over here and we take this textlink so we’re gonna copy it we’ll just come over here we’ll paste the link so if you look at your individual Amazonaffiliate marketing link and we come over here you can see tag wicker Oh 720s that’s actually my Amazon affiliate marketing ID so you want to make sure that that is in the link so if you’renot 100% sure you can always just check a link that way that’s usually the way that I’ll end up checking links just tomake sure that I have the right affiliate ID in that individual URL okay so next under tools product advertisingAPI that’s what we use to set up our Amazon keys so if we come back over hereyou want to make sure that your Amazon keys are properly added through wasone so when you install the wasone plug-inyou come in here to Amazon setup and configuration and we scroll down you want to make sure you have your Amazonaccess key and your Amazon secret key so you enter them here you check them to make sure they’re active and then youclick on add Amazon AWS keys scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on save so I don’t want to show you myaccess key in my secret key right now just because it’s from my account so if you scroll down you would see my accesskey and my secret key and the way to get those is through tools and product advertising API and you can generatekeys at all times Amazon recommends updating your keys I believe every 90 days so it’s a best practice to keepyour keys up-to-date and you can always generate new keys next is going to be one link and link your accounts so withone link it allows you to monetize your international traffic from Europe and Japan you canlink all of your accounts so you link your us account with your international associate account and allows you to earnmore from international visitors last but not least under tools is link your accounts so very similar coming to linkyour accounts you take your United States store select geography and you can link thisyear United States or with your specific store so just a couple of options here in tools and then with the reports it’sjust the earnings report so that’s kind of a little background of Amazon Associates some different ways that youcan tag products on Amazon and drive people to the Amazon websites obviously with the hope of earning moreCommission’s okay coming back over here to pages a few of the pages I recommendadding before you get started with creating your website Foley is your privacy policy and an affiliatedisclaimer so with your privacy policy what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna come in here to edit and as you can seethere’s a little privacy policy in here already so if we open up I’m just gonna preview this link right now so we’rejust looking at the page preview so I’m actually gonna update this completely and what I like to do is just come tothis website privacy policy generator dot info and all you need to do is enter a little bit of information so it’sbusiness name website name and website URL and then we can take this privacy policy we’ll just come all the way downto the bottom we’re gonna copy this privacy policy and we’re gonna come over to this page so we just keep this titleexactly the same and all I’m gonna do is paste in here so we’re gonna select all get rid of it and just paste all this information so we can make it look alittle better but for right now we’re just gonna come in here and publish it so we have our privacy policy createdand again that website is privacy policy generator dot info you can also just doa quick google search of free privacy policy generator and you’ll find other options as well so with that it justhelps you protect your website and protect yourself by making sure that people know exactly what types ofinformation you collect whether or not you’re serving any advertisements whether or not you have affiliate marketing products so I always use aprivacy policy on really all of my websites now the next thing we’re going to do after privacy policy is you wantto use an affiliate disclaimer so if we come over here I already have my affiliate disclaimer here I justpublished this page so we’re gonna open view pay so with our affiliate disclaimer it says by using and visiting wicker guide.comyou agree to know the following and just basically says we do affiliate marketing we link to products we use GoogleAnalytics and then I just have at the bottom we you should assume any click on wicker guide comm that leads to anexternal source could be an affiliate link and we may or may not receive compensation from the sale now you wantto make sure you have these links all in the bottom on your footer of your website so again we went through menus alittle bit earlier so just create a menu and make sure it’s always at the footer of your website so just a couple thingsthat you should do make sure you have your affiliate disclaimer make sure you have your privacy policy so when youcome into your pages those are just two pages that I would recommend having you can also do a Contact Us page allowpeople to contact you and you can get emails from people directly much easier so that’s something that I’ll set up alittle bit in the future so a couple things that I want to go over and now next I would recommend installing thisplug-in here easy updates manager so this allows you to automatically update your themes and your plugins and alsoWordPress and all you need to do it’s the free option is just enable automatic updates with one-click so I’m not goingto go through this in the video but this is just a really easy plug-in to make sure that you’re always up to date with your plugins and your themes and thecurrent version of WordPress so if we come over here and we go to dashboard updates you’re gonna see I already havean update here so you’re constantly gonna have updates coming in and you don’t want to fall behind your updates because it could leave your websitevulnerable to hackers and it could lead to security risks for your websites youwant to make sure your plugins and your themes and everything are all up-to-date so come in here update plugins but aneasy way to do it is just easy updates manager they have a completely free version that will constantly keepeverything up to date on your website okay so the next thing I want to go through is doing keyword research for your website I would highly recommendusing the Google Keyword planner so if you sign into your Google Ads account go to tools and setting and then go toplanning you’re gonna see the keyword planner so with the keyword planner you can find exactly what people are typingin when they’re looking for products and services relevant to your business so with this let’s just say I do wickerlet’s say wicker furniture and we’ll just do wicker baskets and we can clickon enter and get results so if we scroll down here it’s going to show the top keywords by relit’s gonna show keyword ideas so wicker chair cane furniture wicker patio furniture you can add a filter so I canjust say I want to make sure the keyword contains wicker so we’re gonna click on apply okay so now I use all this informationas I’m doing search engine optimization and keyword research for my website soif I’m creating an article about wicker furniture you’re gonna see twenty two thousand two hundred average monthlysearches for wicker furniture wicker baskets over twenty seven thousand average monthly searches and then withinfurniture you see wicker chair within wicker baskets you have wicker storage baskets wicker laundry baskets andthere’s probably a lot more types of wicker basket keywords that I can use as I’m starting to create content wickerbarstools I already went over wicker rocking chairs large wicker baskets wicker chair cushions coffee table soall of this will give you ideas for the types of content you should create on your website and I’m gonna use all thisinformation and again I am gonna be doing an SEO video specifically for this website so I’m gonna go into way moredetail with this with how I set up my search engine optimization strategy for my own websites so I can driveconsistent traffic to my website and really consistent revenue so I would recommend using the Google Keywordplanner if you’re not running an active campaign then the average monthly searches will only show ranges of dataso this might say 10 to 100 thousand if it’s a little bit less it might say something like 0 to 1000 so you’re onlygoing to see ranges of data if you do not have an active Google Ads campaign so you can create an active Google Adscampaign or you could just not work focus too much on having the exact average monthly searches and just go bythe most popular keywords just based on what type of range they’re in obviously if something’s in 10,000 to 100,000 it’sgetting a lot more searches than something that’s in 1,000 a 10,000 so just keep that in mind as use thekeyword planner but it is completely free to use you don’t have to pay to set up a Google Ads account or to use theGoogle Keyword planner now the other thing I would recommend doing is coming over to Google just typing in some ofyour main keywords so here I just typed in Wicker and I can see what’s ranking for wicker so I’m probably never gonnarank above Wikipedia but if we keep scrolling down you can see things what you should know before buying wickerfurniture wicker furniture wicker paradise calm they have wayfarer wicker furniture you’ll love keep coming downhere wicker warehouse calm how stuff works what is wicker so what I’ll do isI’ll click on some of these links and just look at the pages that are ranking in the first page so what is wicker onhow stuff works so this can also give you some good guidelines on how to write a good blog post because this blog postis ranking so clearly Google sees it as a good enough blog post to put on the first page so if we come down you cansee there’s four total pages of content here so you can use this to find some ideas for how to write a blog post ordifferent ways to increase your rankings and then I’ll also come to a website like wicker Paradise comm just see someof the different categories they have see some of the different things that they’re selling any of the blog posts that they’ve written all of thatinformation can help you grow your own website so I would highly recommend doing that just going into Google seeingwhat is already ranking high and looking at their overall website structure and overall website strategy and kind ofincorporating some of that with your own website especially with blog posts and especially seeing some of the pages thatthey’ve already created base probably on their own keyword research that they’ve done in the Google Keyword planner oranother keyword tool so just some different things to keep in mind as you’re trying to grow your website youwant to make sure you’re doing keyword research you know what people are typing in so you know what types of content tocreate okay so the next thing as we come in here I’ve already went over it a little bit but you want to make sure youcome into this customized section so if you’re in the back end what you can do is just go to appearance and customizeand then a lot of times if you go over your theme so if we come to flat some so they don’t have it here but just go toappearance and customize it’s gonna open up this page where you can adjust the way your header looks you can adjust thestyles of your website the way your blog looks the layout the colors the format WooCommerce layout footer pagesportfolio menus widgets additional CSS so there’s a ton of different thingsthat you can do through the customize section and you want your website to look exactly how you want it to look sothat’s a great way to make sure that the style is exactly what you want it to look like now if we come back over herewe have best wicker rocking chairs for sale this is currently uncatted eyes so as you’re creating blog postwhat you want to do is under posts go to categories so with categories you’re able to add categories and you don’twant all your blog posts to be an done categorized so I can add a category and just say wicker I can add a category andsay wicker furniture I can do a category and say outdoor wicker furniture maybe I start doing some different design ideasso I do 100 backyard wicker design ideas and then my name for my category forthose types of blog posts would be wicker design ideas so again I’ll go over this a little bit more as I createmy search engine optimization video but you want to make sure you’re adding good post categories for all your blog poststhat you’re creating now the next thing if we come over to this page you’re gonna see down the right-hand side we have recent posts search recent commentsI haven’t really adjusted this at all but to adjust what comes up here what comes up in the footer of your websiteall you have to do is open up widgets so again in appearance and widgets that’s where you can add things to your footeryour footer to your sidebar your shop sidebar your product sidebar and there’sall these different widgets here you can download additional plugins that give you even more widget ideas for yourwebsite so just making sure you adjust all those widgets there so your website looks again the way you want it to looknow the last few things you want to make sure using social media to promote your website if you look at beachfront twocore com here and we look at our Pinterest page so from Pinterest for Beach run to core I Drive nineteen pointtwo thousand link clicks and this is over the past thirty days so you can see it’s plus fifty one percent so I’ve beenable to grow this pretty recently getting a lot of impressions on my pins a lot of saves from my pins two pointseven million monthly viewers on my pins and over fifteen thousand followers so you want to continue to grow your socialmedia following and your social media presence because it helps you drive additional traffic back to your website and like I mentioned at the beginning ofthe video traffic equals more affiliate link clicks which in turn equals more revenue which is the ultimate goal hereso make sure you’re setting up social media accounts for Pinterest for Instagram for Facebook if Twitter makessense for you or any other social media accounts make sense for you you want to make sure you’re setting them them upyou can also use YouTube as well if you want to incorporate video so there’s a lot of options that will help drive morepeople back to your website coming back over to our website he you can see I have this blog post bestwicker rocking chairs for sale if you’re not familiar with writing blog posts creating content again I would recommendgoing to a writer calm or another service where you can order content just create your account go to order contentand you can pretty much order whatever you want from a 150 word article to articles that are thousands andthousands of words and then you you’re gonna get content you can take it and go directly to your website copy and pasteit adjust it make sure it’s formatted and looking good and that’s gonna help you increase your rankings it is gonnabe an investment but you have to look at it like an investment there’s nothing wrong with spending two hundred three hundred five hundred dollars on contentand then seeing your website grow and those sales will eventually help you drive more and more traffic back to yourwebsite last couple of things so I would recommend going to Google if you’relooking for additional wordpress plugins just do a best WordPress plug-in search and you’re gonna see all sorts of guideshere I like this Kinston guide I’ve went over this in the past but wpbeginner.com 24 must-have WordPress plugins 49 bestWordPress plugins so a lot of different options for different ways you can customize your website and you’d besurprised what all these different WordPress plugins do if you think you want to accomplish on your websitethere’s probably a wordpress plug-in that will do it last but not least if you come away from this video and youfeel like you want to learn more don’t be afraid just to go to google Amazon affiliate marketing strategies or alsolooking up additional videos on YouTube besides my videos because every single affiliate marketer out there is gonnahave a lot of different strategies and tips that you can utilize to continue to increase that traffic back to yourwebsite so even just coming here nineteen creative ways to increase Amazon affiliate earnings how to makemoney with the Amazon affiliate marketing without a website so there’s a lot of different guides down here tohelp you increase your earnings so hopefully this guide allows you to get started with building your website learnhow to import products directly to your website create your Amazon Associates account so you can start driving theseclicks to Amazon and driving sales and getting that revenue because the best part about having a website like this isyou don’t to deal with shipping you don’t have to deal with inventory you don’t have to deal with returns so that’s why I preferthis model over drop shipping or even ecommerce ecommerce can be very good for businesses that have to use e-commercebut if you’re setting up a brand new website you can set up what a website up just like this for under two thousanddollars which I know that sounds like a lot of money but any type of business idea that anybody has is gonna cost alot more than that an e-commerce website just to carry inventory is gonna cost a lot more than that so create a websitefocus on your niche I’m gonna continue building out this website going through how I build it out so we can keepincreasing the traffic I’ll go through the traffic reports and how much organic search traffic I’m driving so everylittle detail so you can grow your website along with me if you have any questions about my Amazon affiliatemarketing course please leave them in the comments section I’ll do my best to answer all of them thanks for watching my video today and make sure you