What is tuberculosis? Tuberculosis, or mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a type of mycobacteria that commonly infects the lungs. TB can be latent, in which it’s dormant, or it can be active, in which it causes symptoms and can be contagious and very serious. Subscribe – https://goo.gl/w5aaaV. More videos – https://goo.gl/UhOKiM. Support us on Patreon – https://goo.gl/ZGHEk4.
This video covers the pathophysiology of TB infection, as well as important complications, signs and symptoms, tests and procedures, and treatment.
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Script/audio/visuals: Tanner Marshall, MS
Reviewer: Rishi Desai, MD, MPH
Special thanks: Stuart Ray, MD
Caseous necrosis image by Yale Rosen – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caseous…
Ranke complex radiograph by Dr Hunor Sukosd – http://radiopaedia.org/cases/primary-…
Heavy gasping air sound effect by ‘robinhood76’ – https://www.freesound.org/people/Robi…
Steam pipe sound effect by ‘vision68’ – https://www.freesound.org/people/visi…
Water drop low sound effect by Mike Koenig – http://soundbible.com/1139-Water-Drop…